The numbering of Bundesstraße 5 follows the numbering of highways, then called in German:Fernverkehrsstraßen (literally in English: far traffic streets), in the Weimar Republic, issued on 17 January 1932. The Fernverkehrsstraße 5, or simply 5, however, continued from Frankfurt upon Oder (today as Polish DK29) via Crossen upon Oder, (today as Polish DK32) via Grünberg in Silesia, (today as Polish S3) via Lüben, (today as Polish DK36) via Parchwitz, (today as Polish DK94) via Breslau, Ohlau, Brieg, Oppeln in Silesia, Peiskretscham, (today as Polish DW901) via Gleiwitz (today as Polish DK88) to Beuthen in Upper Silesia.
Perfect birds sit on plastic bush In my cubicle I've been knowing this for some reason now And anyday I expect the delivery truck To bring me mine, the order is late But still I wait for the starfire demon