Bule Hora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of former Hagere Mariam woreda what was separated for Bule Hora, Dugda Dawa and Kercha woredas. Part of the Borena Zone, Hagere Mariam was bordered on the south by the Dawa River which separates it from Arero, on the southwest by Yabelo, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region and Gelana Abaya, on the northeast by Uraga, and on the east by Odo Shakiso. The largest town of Bule Hora is Hagere Mariam.
In May 2000, a field assessment by the UNDP which included Hagere Mariam collected informal reports of a growing number of private investors in coffee pulping/processing factories and coffee plantations in the woreda; however, many of their informants expressed concern voiced that this had been at the expense of local farmers. The four major crops grown in this woreda are maize, wheat, barley and haricot beans in that order, with some long cycle sorghum and teff as well; in some parts ensete or the false banana is also grown, which offers a degree of security during famines.Coffee is also an important cash crop; over 5,000 hectares are planted with it.
It's Sunday morning and you struggle with the sheets
You hear the alarm kick the snooze go back to sleep
If you could only get up you would see what you were missin'
He is always there if you just take the time to listen to His
Mission His will He'll tell you what to do
Now that it's been done it's up to you to see it thorough
And then do it daily 'cause that's where it's at
It'll help you keep your life on track
It's on all day everyday kinda thing
So many times we think we got it tough
We go to church two times a year and you think that's enough
To get by with our lives and look good in others' eyes
Eventually with God we see there is no compromise
We realize how weak we really are
Without Him in your life then you won't make it very far
24-7 is the point I'm tryin to make
A daily walk with Him is exactly what it takes