The Bujinkan (武神館) is an international martial arts organization based in Japan and headed by Masaaki Hatsumi. The combat system taught by this organization comprises nine separate ryūha, or schools, which are collectively referred to as Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu. The Bujinkan is most commonly associated with ninjutsu. However, Masaaki Hatsumi uses the term Budo (meaning martial way) as he says the ryūha are descended from historical samurai schools that teach samurai martial tactics and ninjutsu schools that teach ninja tactics.
The Bujinkan organization incorporates the teachings of the martial arts lineages (ryūha) that Masaaki Hatsumi learnt from Takamatsu Toshitsugu under the banner of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.
These are:
Togakure-ryū Ninpō Taijutsu (戸隠流忍法体術)
Gyokko ryū Kosshi jutsu (玉虎流骨指術)
Kuki Shinden Happō Bikenjutsu (九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術)
Koto Ryū Koppō jutsu (虎倒流骨法術)
Shinden Fudo Ryū Dakentai jutsu (神伝不動流打拳体術)
Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtai jutsu (高木揚心流柔体術)
Gikan Ryū Koppō jutsu (義鑑流骨法術)