Bruce Lawrence Horn (born 1960) is a programmer. He created the Macintosh Finder and the Macintosh Resource Manager for Apple Computer. His signature is amongst those molded to the case of the Macintosh 128K.
A member of the original Apple Macintosh design team, Horn received a B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Stanford University in 1982 and a M.S. and Ph.D. from Carnegie-Mellon University in Computer Science in 1994. Horn was a student in the Learning Research Group (1973–1981), where Smalltalk was developed. While there, he worked on various projects including the NoteTaker, a portable Smalltalk machine, and wrote the initial Dorado Smalltalk microcode for Smalltalk.
He owns, and programs software for, Ingenuity Software. He was employed by Powerset as the principal development manager of the Natural Language Technology group. Powerset was acquired by Microsoft in the fall of 2008 and is part of Live Search.
Currently, Horn is an Intel Fellow and Chief Scientist for Smart Device Innovation in the New Devices Group at Intel Corporation.
"Slow stroll on a misty night
Hearts soar under Paris lights
And the feeling is strange, as though we’ve been here before
It’s coming to me now
I trip over stepping-stones
That lead to the deep unknown
But here you stand tall as Eiffel’s tower
And every hour I’m deeper into
Love and Paris Rain
I could drown inside this interlude of
Love and Paris Rain
Take me now as I unfold my very soul unto you, my love
(I fall deeper)
And every hour I’m Deeper into
Slow stroll on a misty night
Hearts soar under Paris lights
It’s coming to me now
Repeat to fade