Brotherly Love is an American sitcom that ran from September 16, 1995 to April 1, 1996, on NBC, and then moved to The WB, where it aired from September 15, 1996 until May 18, 1997. The series was created by Jonathan Schmock and Jim Vallely, and produced by Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television (season 1) & Walt Disney Television (season 2). The primary focus of the series is on the relationship of three brothers, played by Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence, and Andrew Lawrence.
Brotherly love may refer to:
Brotherly love in the biblical sense is an extension of the natural affection associated with near kin, toward the greater community of fellow believers, that goes beyond the mere duty in Leviticus 19:18 to "love thy neighbour as thyself", and shows itself as "unfeigned love" from a "pure heart", that extends an unconditional hand of friendship that loves when not loved back, that gives without getting, and that ever looks for what is best in others.
The following is based on the public domain article Brotherly Love found in the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
Brotherly love is the love for one's fellow-man as a brother. The expression is taken from the Greek word Φιλαδελφία (Philadelphia = "love of brothers"), which trait distinguished the Early Christian communities. Romans.12:10;1Thessalonians.4:9;John.13:35 – 1John.2:9;3:12;4:7;5:1 and 1Peter.3:8;5:9 express the idea of Christian fellowship and fraternity. It was also important in the Essene brotherhoods, who practised brotherly love as a special virtue. Brotherly love is commanded as a universal principle in Lev. 19:18: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," the preceding verse containing the words: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart." This commandment of love, with the preceding sentence, "Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people," may originally have referred, and has by some scholars been exclusively referred, to the Israelitish neighbor; but in verse 34 of the same chapter it is extended to "the stranger that dwelleth with you . . . and thou shalt love him as thyself." In Job 31:13-15 it is declared unjust to wrong the servant in his cause: "Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?"
Brotherly Love is a 1928 silent film part-talkie comedy produced and distributed by MGM and directed by Charles Reisner. It is a starring vehicle for the comedy team of Karl Dane and George K. Arthur. Young Jean Arthur supports the comedy duo. While essentially a silent film, the movie had music with sound effects and talking sequences. Buster Keaton makes an uncredited appearance as a barber.
A print is allegedly extant at UCLA Film and Television archives. The Library of Congress database lists no copies.