Brigandage refers to the life and practice of brigands: highway robbery and plunder. A brigand is a person who usually lives in a gang and lives by pillage and robbery.
The brigand is supposed to derive his name from the Old French brigand, which is a form of the Italian brigante, an irregular or partisan soldier. There can be no doubt as to the origin of the word bandit, which has the same meaning. In Italy, which is considered the home of the most accomplished European brigands, a bandito was a man declared outlaw by proclamation, or bando, called in Scotland "a decree of horning" because it was delivered by a blast of a horn at the town cross.
The brigand, therefore, is the outlaw who conducts warfare after the manner of an irregular or partisan soldier by skirmishes and surprises, who makes the war support itself by plunder, by extortion, by capturing prisoners and holding them to ransom, who enforces his demands by violence, and kills the prisoners who cannot pay.
Brigand may refer to:
Lyrics: Nefen
Music: Pyracanda
The information flies proudly over the crowded place
the snow is on, just for you
you should feel safe, but fear is shown in your face
fireballs, a nightmare's coming through
We don't nedd no rockets in the sky
too many people senselessly die
we don't need no low level flight
a life in peace, it's our right
And they fly - widely opened eyes as they die
Top gun
Who is the number one.
and they fly - they won't hear our cries
Top gun
and the madness goes on
Your military force was built to save our freedom
now you bring us all in danger
look for another place where your wargames can go on
it's irresponsible, our hearts are full of anger
A sunny afternoon, peaceful but soon
the air will filled with noise
soon you see the flying boys
and suddenly you wake up dead
with an airplane on your head
But still they fly, here in our homeland's sky
the people's voice is not heard
that's all and they will just let you call
democracy is just a word