
A brick is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred to unit composed of clay, but it is now used to denote any rectangular units laid in mortar. A brick can be composed of clay-bearing soil, sand and lime, or concrete materials. Bricks are produced in numerous classes, types, materials, and sizes which vary with region and time period, and are produced in bulk quantities. Two basic categories of bricks are fired and non-fired bricks.

Block is a similar term referring to a rectangular building unit composed of similar materials, but is usually larger than a brick. Lightweight bricks (also called "lightweight blocks") are made from expanded clay aggregate.

Fired bricks are one of the longest-lasting and strongest building materials, sometimes referred to as artificial stone, and have been used since circa 5000 BC. Air-dried bricks, also known as mudbricks, have a history older than fired bricks, and have an additional ingredient of a mechanical binder such as straw.



Latest News for: brick tinting


Historic Preservation in Harbor Springs

Harbor Light 13 Mar 2025
Our simple red-brick school was built in 1915 and constructed ... The mortar (often cement, lime, or plaster mixed with a fine aggregate/sand and water used for pointing and bonding bricks) is tinted red.

The Search For The Best Tacos In Town Takes Us To Mi Casita Restaurant

The Pulse 11 Mar 2025
... The brick exterior and the dark tinted windows made it look like an abandoned storefront ... Then I noticed that they had scrapped back just enough dark window tint so you could see their neon sign saying open. . One day, I walked in.
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