Brewsterite is the name of a series of tectosilicate minerals of the zeolite group. Prior to 1997, brewsterite was recognized as a mineral species, but a reclassification in 1997 by the International Mineralogical Association changed it to a series name, with the mineral species being named brewsterite-Sr and brewsterite-Ba. Brewsterite-Sr, the more common of these, is a hydrous strontium and aluminium silicate, (Sr,Ba)2Al4Si12O32·10H2O. Small amounts of barium is usually present replacing part of the strontium. The appropriate species name depends on the dominant element. The species are visually indistinguishable, and the series name brewsterite is still used whenever testing has not been performed.
It is generally considered to be monoclinic, though optical studies have suggested it might be triclinic. It has one plane of perfect cleavage. The color is white, yellow-white, or gray. The Mohs' hardness is 5. It is transparent to translucent. The crystals are prismatic. Brewsterite is isomorphous with heulandite.
The Church of Christ was a schismatic sect of the Latter Day Saint movement that was founded in 1848 by James C. Brewster and Hazen Aldrich. Because of the church's belief that Brewster was a prophet, the group is often called the Brewsterites.
After the death of Joseph Smith, apostle William E. McLellin and other early church leaders returned to Kirtland, Ohio, to pick up the remnants of the church there. The group adopted the original name of the Latter Day Saint church, the "Church of Christ". Two principles of the movement were to (1) accept David Whitmer as leader, and (2) declare Kirtland as the proper center of the church.
At the organization of the church in Springfield, Illinois, Aldrich was selected as the organization's first president. He selected Brewster and James Goodale as his counselors in the First Presidency. The church published a periodical known as the Olive Branch, which often contained revelations that Brewster had obtained. Notable adherents included John E. Page, one of the original members of the Quorum of the Twelve.
You don?t need to be a wizard to see it?s a dangerous world
We?re living in a desert, everywhere the people get burned
So where do we go now to follow our heart?s desire?
To make our faith stronger and lift us out of the fire?
Powerhouse, the powerhouse
Powerhouse, we need the powerhouse
Powerhouse, ooh, the powerhouse
Powerhouse, we need the powerhouse
Come to the powerhouse
Hey brothers and sisters, oh, I?m gonna meet you there
You know there?s strength in numbers
When we come to the house of prayer
We?re not looking for weapons, we?re looking only for love
We?ve come to hear a message, let the word rain down from above
Powerhouse, ooh, the powerhouse
(Come to the powerhouse)
Powerhouse, we need the powerhouse
(Come to the powerhouse)
Powerhouse, ooh, the powerhouse
Powerhouse, we need the powerhouse
Come to the powerhouse
Power, power, power, power
Power, power, power, power
Powerhouse, ooh, the powerhouse
(Come to the powerhouse)
Powerhouse, oh yeah, we need, we need, we need, we need, we need it
Power, come to the powerhouse