The Bregava is a river in Bosnia and Herzegovina that passes through the town of Stolac. It is a left tributary of the Neretva river.
The river Bregava and its buildings - bridges, mills and stamping mills over the river - constitutes the backbone of the urban layout of Stolac. It passes through two waterfalls in Stolac, one which is natural and the other artificial, and continue its way through the Bregava canyon leading to Badanj Cave. It is famous for its pure blue colour, like the Neretva river which passes through Mostar. Many natural beaches are spread along the river.
Bregava river also gathers a rich flora biodiversity, wild peppermint, sage, thyme, almond trees and numerous fruit trees (pomegranates, kiwis, plums, grapes...), and fauna living around, butterflies, trout, ducks, numerous diverse birds and water snakes.
Bridges: the most important surviving bridges on the Bregava are Ćuprija (Inat ćuprija), the oldest surviving bridge on the Bregava, assumed from the style of building to date from the medieval period; Podgradska ćuprija, the second oldest bridge in Stolac municipality, believed to have been built in the early 18th century; the bridge in Begovina, most recent of the three stone bridges in Stolac; the Sara Kašiković bridge, built according to its inscription in 1896. This was a privately owned bridge, and had gates to close it off; it is the largest privately owned bridge; the bridge leading to Ada; the small bridge by the Šarić summer residence; and the bridge by the Ali Pasha mosque.
Baazi Lagaa Woh Chalane De Chalale De Paisaa Chale
Chalane De Chalale De Jaisaa Chale
Ek Eke Do Do Be Dune Chaar Sau Baraaabar Sau Baki Sau Udhaar
(Baazi Lagaa Woh Chalane De Chalale De Paisaa Chale
Chalane De Chalale De Jaisaa Chale) 2
Chakkar Chakkar Chutaki Shakkar Andar Saahu Huaa
Chupake Chupake Chaand Sitaare Shankar Raahu Huaa
Ek Eke Do Do Be Dune Chaar Sau Baraaabar Sau Baki Sau Udhaar 2
Haath Ke Mail Kaa Pasinaa Yahi Jo Minton Mein Bheh Jaataa Hai
Haath Mein Chhaap Kaa Hai Naginaa Yahi Jo Kushton Mein Reh Jaataa Hai
Are Lagaa Haa Chavanni Athanni Athanni Rupayyaa
Woh Chalataa Hai Chalataa Hai Chalane De Pahiyaa
Kaalaa Hai Safed Hai Ye Paisaa Hai Nilaa Hai Pilaa
Kahi Laal Bhi Hai Ye Paisaa Hai Nilaa Hai Pilaa
Kahi Laal Bhi Hai Bade Rang Badalataa Hai Daadaa
Ye Girgit Hai Chalataa Hai Daadaa
Baari Aayi Aayi Aayi Aayi Aayi
Baazi Lagaa Woh Chalane De Chalale De Paisaa Chale
Chalane De Chalale De Jaisaa Chale
Paise Kaa Bukhaar Hai Chadhe To
Bhalaa Hai Jo Utare Buraa Hai Buraa Hai Chadhe To
Bhalaa Hai Jo Utare Buraa Hai Buraa Hai Ajab Bekaraari Hai
Sunheri Savaari Hai
Baari Aayi Aayi Aayi Aayi Aayi
(Baazi Lagaa Woh Chalane De Chalale De Paisaa Chale
Chalane De Chalale De Jaisaa Chale) 2
Chakkar Chakkar Chutaki Shakkar Andar Saahu Huaa
Chupake Chupake Chaand Sitaare Shankar Raahu Huaa
(Chal Chal Chalane De Paisaa Chale
Chal Chal Chalale De Jaisaa Chale) 5