Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs, or oxygen through other respiratory organs such as gills. For organisms with lungs, breathing is also called ventilation, which includes both inhalation and exhalation. Breathing is one part of physiological respiration required to sustain life.Aerobic organisms of birds, mammals, and reptiles—require oxygen to release energy via cellular respiration, in the form of the metabolism of energy-rich molecules such as glucose. Breathing is only one of the processes that deliver oxygen to where it is needed in the body and remove carbon dioxide. Another important process involves the movement of blood by the circulatory system.Gas exchange occurs in the pulmonary alveoli by passive diffusion of gases between the alveolar gas and the blood in lung capillaries. Once these dissolved gases are in the blood, the heart powers their flow around the body (via the circulatory system). The medical term for normal relaxed breathing is eupnea.
"Breath" is the second single and the third track from post-grunge/alternative metal band Breaking Benjamin's third album, Phobia. It was the band's fourth charted song on the U.S. Hot 100 overall, and the second from Phobia. Although "Breath" failed to capture the pop success of The Diary of Jane at #50 where "Breath" hit #84 on the Billboard Hot 100, it was more successful on the rock charts where it hit #1 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, making it Breaking Benjamin's first number-one hit staying there for seven weeks where "The Diary of Jane" hit #2 and it also hit #3 on the US Modern Rock Tracks chart tying with So Cold as their highest-charting single on the chart where "The Diary of Jane" hit #4.
A contest was held in which fans create a music video for "Breath", called the Breath Fan Video Contest, and the band and label selected 4 videos as finalists. The winning video was officially released March 30, 2008 on YouTube. The video can also be seen at the band's official site. The single was eventually certified platinum by the RIAA in 2015.
Breath was a Japanese rock duo. Its members were Kanatsuki Takuya and Kikuchi Kazuhito. They broke up in October 2005.
A sect is a subgroup of a religious, political or philosophical belief system, usually an offshoot of a larger religious group. Although in past it was mostly used to refer to religious groups, it has since expanded and in modern culture can refer to any organization that breaks away from a larger one to follow a different set of rules and principles. The term is occasionally used in a malicious way to suggest the broken-off group follows a more negative path than the original. The historical usage of the term sect in Christendom has had pejorative connotations, referring to a group or movement with heretical beliefs or practices that deviate from those of groups considered orthodox.
A sect as used in an Indian context refers to an organized tradition.
The word sect comes from the Latin noun secta (a feminine form of a variant past participle of the verb sequi, to follow), meaning "a way, road", and figuratively a (prescribed) way, mode, or manner, and hence metonymously, a discipline or school of thought as defined by a set of methods and doctrines. The present gamut of meanings of sect has been influenced by confusion with the homonymous (but etymologically unrelated) Latin word secta (the feminine form of the past participle of the verb secare, to cut), as though sects were scissions cast aside from the mainstream religion.
A sect is a subgroup of a religious, political or philosophical belief system. It may also refer to:
Planescape is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, originally designed by Zeb Cook. The Planescape setting was published in 1994. As its name suggests, the setting crosses and comprises the numerous planes of existence, encompassing an entire cosmology called the Great Wheel, as originally developed in the Manual of the Planes by Jeff Grubb. This includes many of the other Dungeons & Dragons worlds, linking them via inter-dimensional magical portals.
Planescape is an expansion of ideas presented in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide (First Edition) and the original Manual of the Planes. When Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition was published, a decision was made not to include angelic or demonic creatures, and so the cosmology was largely ignored, being replaced (to a certain degree) by the Spelljammer setting. However, fan demand for a 2nd Edition Manual of the Planes was strong enough to justify its expansion into a full-fledged campaign setting, and so in 1994 Planescape was released.