Breakaway music
Breakaway music is a modern U.S. Naval tradition used to motivate sailors upon the conclusion of underway replenishment UNREP, although using breakaway music is at the discretion of the Captain, and not all commands use it. When the two ships involved in the UNREP conclude their transfer of fuels and stores and commence their breakaway, a song (usually selected by the Captain, but sometimes picked by the OOD or Navigation Officer) is played over the 1MC. Breakaway music may sometimes be related to the name of the ship, such as the "Theme from Star Trek" (USS Enterprise (CVN-65)) or "Kansas City Lights" (USS Kansas City (AOR-3)). The fast Combat Support Ship, and oiler, USS Camden (AOE-2) played the "Baby Elephant Walk" (written in 1961 by composer Henry Mancini, for the 1962 release of the movie Hatari!) after each unrep in honor of its title as "The Powerful Pachyderm of the Pacific".
Popular breakaway songs
"East Bound and Down" by Jerry Reed (USS Guam (LPH-9)) 1982 Enroute to/in Mediterranean