Cotula coronopifolia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Anthemideae
Genus: Cotula
Species: C. coronopifolia
Binomial name
Cotula coronopifolia

The small marsh flower Cotula coronopifolia (also spelled C. coronipifolia) bears the common names brass buttons, golden buttons, and buttonweed. The flowers are bright yellow discoid inflorescences that look like thick buttons. Individual plants spread stems along the ground and send up the knobby flowers at intervals. The plant is native to southern Africa, but it has been introduced to many regions of the world.

Leaves sheath the stem and are entire or with a few teeth or deep lobes (Fir Island, Washington).

Brass buttons are common plants that occupy a specialized ecological niche. They prefer muddy, anoxic wetlands and brackish water. They are very salt-tolerant. The plant has fat, fleshy leaves that store water during times of saline inundation. The reddish stems and green, blade-shaped leaves are coated with a shiny cuticle to retain moisture. It can also be found in the wetter patches in vernal pool ecosystems. Brass buttons are common along the beaches, salt marshes, and estuaries from California to Washington.

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by: Poco

Brass buttons, green silks and silver shoes
Warm evenings, pale mornings, bottled blues
And tiny golden pins that she wore up in her hair
Brass buttons, green silks and silver shoes
My mind was young and then it grew
My thoughts known only by a few
A dream much too real to be leaned against too long
And all the time I guess she knew
Her thoughts still dance inside my head
Her comb still lies beside my bed
But the sun comes up without her, it doesn't know she's gone
And it remembers nothing that she said
Brass buttons, green silks and silver shoes
Warm evenings, pale mornings, bottled blues
And tiny golden pins that she wore up in her hair
Brass buttons, green silks and silver shoes
