Brage Prize
The Brage Prize (Norwegian: Brageprisen) is a Norwegian literature prize that is awarded annually by the Norwegian Book Prize foundation (Den norske bokprisen). The prize recognizes recently published Norwegian literature.
The Brage Prize has been awarded each fall since 1992 for the following categories:
Children's literature
Open class – a class which varies each year.
In addition to these classes, during the first several years the prize was also awarded in the following categories:
Picture books
General literature
The Brage Prize is considered to be one of the most prestigious literature prizes awarded in Norway.
Prize winners
Fiction for adults
1992 – Karsten Alnæs, for Trollbyen
1993 – Øystein Lønn, for Thranes metode
1994 – Sigmund Mjelve, for Område aldri fastlagt
1995 – Ingvar Ambjørnsen, for Fugledansen
1996 – Bergljot Hobæk Haff, for Skammen
1997 – Liv Køltzow, for Verden forsvinner
1998 – Kjartan Fløgstad, for Kron og mynt
1999 – Frode Grytten, for Bikubesong