Born To Entertain
Broadway Kids
Judy: (Talking) Tina, you're on!
Tina: (Talking) Hello, Mother!
Judy: (Talking) Tina, we have company.
Tina: (Talking) I love company!
Judy: (Talking) Darling, say hello to Ms. St Croix.
Tina: (Talking) Hi!
Judy: (Talking) Tina loves to perform!
Tina: Some girls like to cook and sew
When I cook, it's in a show
I was born to entertain!
Some girls prefer to help mom clean
I'd rather learn a dance routine!
I was born to entertain!
Instead of walkin', I go flappin'
When I tap, I make it happen!
Mom says I have Broadway on the brain!
Don't get too comfy, in that seat.
When I strut my stuff, you'll be on your feet!
I was born to sing and dance!
Tina: (Talking) Wheee~! Break!
(Tap Solo)
St. Croix: (Talking) Sell it, sweetheart!
Tina: Not every Showbiz Cinderella has
Got to come from Pocatello
My star will rise like bubbles in champagne!
By now you've guessed my one ambition
It's not to be no mathematician!
I was born to amuse --
From the tip of my nose, to the tap of my shoes!
So strike up the band,
And hand me my hat and my cane!