Brace (tool)

A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U-shaped grip.

The U-shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other kinds of hand drill; a brace can be used to drill much wider, and deeper, holes than can a gear-driven hand drill. The price of the greater torque is lower rotational speed; it is easy for a hand drill to achieve a rotational speed of several hundred revolutions per minute, but it requires considerable effort to achieve even 100 rpm with a brace. Due to the design of the brace it tends to be easier than a power drill to keep at a precise 90 degree angle.

The front part of the brace consists of a chuck spindle with V-shaped brackets or clamps inside. Turning the spindle of the chuck in a clockwise direction tightens the drill bit in the chuck and turning in a counter-clockwise direction loosens the bit for removal.

In most braces, immediately behind the chuck is a three position gear release which allows ratcheting of the handle when in tight spots. Turning the gear release from the center position allows ratcheting the brace in the direction needed. Turning the gear release fully clockwise lets it remove wood in a clockwise direction with the ratchet action going counter-clockwise. Placing the gear release fully counter-clockwise then allows turning the brace and bit in a counter-clockwise direction, usually to remove the drill bit from the hole. The center position of the gear release prohibits the ratcheting effect.


A hat-trick or hat trick in sports is the achievement of a positive feat three times in a game, or another achievement based on the number three in some sports.


The term first appeared in 1858 in cricket, to describe HH Stephenson's taking three wickets with three consecutive deliveries. Fans held a collection for Stephenson, and presented him with a hat bought with the proceeds. The term was used in print for the first time in 1868. The term was eventually adopted by many other sports including hockey, association football, water polo and team handball.

Association football

A hat-trick occurs in association football when a player scores three goals (not necessarily consecutive) in a single game, whereas scoring two goals constitutes a brace. In common with other official record-keeping rules, goals in a penalty shootout are excluded from the tally. The extra time in a knockout cup match may also be calculated towards a player's potential hat-trick. The fastest recorded time to score a hat-trick is 70 seconds, a record set by Alex Torr in a Sunday league game in 2013. The previous Guinness world record of 90 seconds was held by Tommy Ross playing for Ross County against Nairn County on 28 November 1964.










by: CSI

Anime fiammeggianti attonite
Squarciato il velo della cecità
A mezzo cielo in vuoto
Denso d'inganno figurativo
Tra ciò che hanno distrutto
E ciò che non gli toccherà
Appare la bellezza mai assillante né oziosa
Languida quando è ora e forte e lieve e austera
L'aria serena e di sostanza sferzante
Anima fiammeggiante soffoca
Smaniosa d'aria non ce la fa
Giorni spremuti e notti
Attinti a un pozzo profondo millenni
Il somigliare agli altri non la salva
Anima fiammeggiante zoppica
Zoppica brace non sa se ce la fa
Un gioco antico un bel gioco
Pericoloso solo per sé
Appare la bellezza mai assillante né oziosa
Languida quando è ora e forte e lieve e austera
L'aria serena e di sostanza sferzante
Appare la bellezza mai assillante né oziosa
Languida quando è ora e forte e lieve e austera
L'aria serena e di sostanza sferzante

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