Haar may refer to:
Haar is a municipality in the district of Munich, in Bavaria, Germany. It is 12 km east of Munich (centre). As of 2014 it has a population of some 20,000.
It is home to the Haar Disciples, a team in the first division of German's Baseball Bundesliga.
Bourne or Bourn may refer to:
Bourne is a word from the Anglo-Saxon language of England. It means an intermittent stream, flowing from a spring. Frequent in chalk and limestone country where the rock becomes saturated with winter rain, that slowly drains away until the rock becomes dry, when the stream ceases.
The word can be found in northern England in placenames such as: Redbourne, Legbourne, but is commonly in used in southern England (particularly Dorset) as a name for a small river, particularly in compound names such as winterbourne. A winterbourne is a stream or river that is dry through the summer months.
Bourne is used as a place name or as a part of a place name, usually in chalk downland countryside. Alternative forms are bourn or borne or born. The apparent variant, borne found in the placename: Camborne, arises from the Cornish language and is in fact a false friend: it refers to a hill (Cornish: bronn, from Common Brythonic *brunda; compare Irish bruinn). Born/borne in German also means fount, or spring, and is related to the Indo-European root, *bhreu. That born/borne appears throughout Europe as a placename is also an important clue that this spelling is an etymological precursor to the Middle English bourne/burn.
Bourne /ˈbɔːrn/ is a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 19,754 at the 2010 census.
For geographic and demographic information on specific parts of the town of Bourne, please see the articles on Bourne (CDP), Buzzards Bay, Monument Beach, Pocasset, Sagamore, and Sagamore Beach.
Bourne was first settled in 1640 as a part of the town of Sandwich. It was officially incorporated in 1884, the last town to be incorporated in Barnstable County. It was named for Jonathan Bourne Sr., whose father, Richard Bourne, served in the Massachusetts General Court at the time of settlement, as well as helping to found the settlement in Mashpee. The town lies at the northeast corner of Buzzards Bay and is the site of Aptucxet Trading Post, the nation's oldest store. It was founded by the Pilgrims in 1627 at a site halfway between the two rivers which divided Cape Cod from the rest of the state. It was out of this location that the Cape Cod Canal was formed, in order to save time and lives by eliminating the need to sail around the hazardous eastern shores of the Cape. Because of the canal, Bourne is now considered the "first" town on the Cape, as all three bridges (the Bourne, Sagamore and the Cape Cod Canal Railroad Bridge) are located within the town. All of Bourne is on Cape Cod, with Buttermilk bay forming the western edge of the peninsula (cape) and the Bourndale Road forming the northern boundary to the cape.
Schenk' mir doch ein kleines bißchen Liebe
setz' mich nicht auf Liebesdiät
weil mir bei deiner Reduktionskost
noch der Appetit vergeht
laß' mich nicht verhungern - wegen der Nachbarn
deren Liebe setzt schon Rost an
du solltest nicht so geizen mit deinen Reizen
komm' schon her
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem macht
und zwar nicht nur heimlich mitten in der Nacht
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem tut
aus reiner Lebenslust - voller Übertmut
Schenk' mir doch ein kleines bißchen Liebe
wenn du mich nicht sofort küßt
dann zeig' ich dich an wegen Mundraub
du weißt ja
daß das strafbar ist
nimm mich in Herzhaft
bau mir ein Lustschloß
setz' mich nicht auf Liebesentzug
wie wär's
wenn dir die Worte fehlen
mit sommersprossen zählen
denn davon hab' ich genug
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem macht
und zwar nicht nur heimlich mitten in der Nacht
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem tut
aus reiner Lebenslust - voller Übertmut
Es muß ja nicht gerade im Fahrstuhl sein
so'n Quicki zwischen Tür und Angel
ich brauch' kein Tutti Frutti im trauten Heim
da ist nur dieser Liebesmangel
du hast ja Recht
in so 'nem Neubau
sind die Wände viel zu dünn
doch laß' dich nicht stören von Schlüssellochvoyeuren
deren Wände sind genau so dünn
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem macht
und zwar nicht nur heimlich mitten in der Nacht
Liebe ist
wenn man's trotzdem tut