A borehole is a narrow shaft bored in the ground, either vertically or horizontally. A borehole may be constructed for many different purposes, including the extraction of water, other liquids (such as petroleum) or gases (such as natural gas), as part of a geotechnical investigation, environmental site assessment, mineral exploration, temperature measurement, as a pilot hole for installing piers or underground utilities, for geothermal installations, or for underground storage of unwanted substances, e.g. in Carbon capture and storage.
Engineers and environmental consultants use the term borehole to collectively describe all of the various types of holes drilled as part of a geotechnical investigation or environmental site assessment (a so-called Phase II ESA). This includes holes advanced to collect soil samples, water samples or rock cores, to advance in situ sampling equipment, or to install monitoring wells or piezometers. Samples collected from boreholes are often tested in a laboratory to determine their physical properties, or to assess levels of various chemical constituents or contaminants.
Blindfold, stagnate, from blindfold to castrate
We've got to make the hole, about face
I've seen with my own eyes
Now, I know exactly what it takes
I've seen with my own eyes wide
Now, I know exactly what's at stake
I've covered my own blind side, now
I know that no one should have faith to say
Blindfold, stagnate, from blindfold to castrate
We've got to make the hole, about face
And sell the state, it makes
Give me an answer
Am I gonna get to have my say?
Give me an answer, why do I
Need permission to think straight?
It's gonna take quite some time