
In baseball, a slider is a breaking ball pitch that tails laterally and down through the batter's hitting zone; it is thrown with speed less than a fastball but greater than the pitcher's curveball.

The break on the pitch is shorter than that of the curveball, and the release technique is 'between' those of a curveball and a fastball. The slider is similar to the cutter, a fastball pitch, but is more of a breaking ball than the cutter. The slider is also known as a yakker or a snapper.

Slider continuum

Depending on velocity, a pitch can fall anywhere on the continuum from "fastball" to "slider":

  • fastball » cut fastball » hard slider » slider » slurve
  • cut fastball: 3–5 MPH slower than fastball
  • hard slider: 5–7 MPH slower than fastball
  • slider: 7–9 MPH slower than fastball
  • The most notable difference between a slider and curveball is that the curveball delivery includes a downward yank on the ball as it is released in addition to the lateral spin applied by the slider grip. The slider is released off the index finger, while the curveball is released off the middle finger. If the pitcher is snapping his wrist as he throws, and the movement is more downward than sideways, then he is probably throwing a curveball or slurve, and not a true "slider". When throwing a slider, the pitcher should create a "dot" on the baseball; this means that as the ball approaches home plate, the rotation of the ball is forming a dot. On a good slider, the "dot" will be down where it is not noticeable for a hitter to pick up. From the batter's perspective, this dot appears white, whereas the dot is red for a curve ball (created by the seam movement), allowing many skilled batters to immediately recognize the type of pitch. By having the dot on the bottom part of the ball, the pitcher will create good depth to the pitch. A good, hard slider has a slight break across the plate and a slight drop on its plane to the hitter.

    Slider (computing)

    A slider or track bar is a graphical control element with which a user may set a value by moving an indicator, usually in a horizontal fashion. In some cases user may also click on a point on the slider to change the setting. It is different from a scrollbar in that it is not continuous but used to adjust a value without changing the format of the display or the other information on the screen.

    Usage with progress bars

    Sliders are also combined with progress bars in the playback of streaming media over a network connection (e.g., YouTube videos) in order to show the content buffering position versus the playback position. This is done by superimposing a colored shaded area (progress bar) on top of the slider, indicating whether the user can "jump" forward or not.

    External links

  • Yahoo! UI Library
  • ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
  • wiki
  • Slider (cricket)

    In cricket, a slider is a type of delivery bowled by a wrist spin bowler. Whereas a topspinner is released with the thumb facing the batsman, a slider is bowled in a similar manner to a legbreak, but instead of imparting sidespin with the third finger, the bowler allows his fingers to roll down the back of the ball, providing a mixture of sidespin and backspin. Whereas a topspinner tends to dip more quickly and bounce higher than a normal delivery, a slider does the opposite: it carries to a fuller length and bounces less than the batsman might expect. The sliders will typically head towards the batsman with a scrambled seam (with the ball not spinning in the direction of the seam, so the seam direction is not constant, unlike in conventional spin bowling). This has less effect on the flight and bounce but absence of leg spin may deceive the batsman. Frequently the slider is bowled with a mixture of side spin and backspin. This has the effect of making the ball harder to differentiate from the leg break for the batsmen without reducing the mechanical effects caused by the backspin. This delivery may skid straight on or it may turn a small amount.


    Bored! were an Australian punk rock band which formed in Geelong in 1987. The original line-up was Grant Gardner on bass guitar, Adrian Hann on keyboards, Justin Munday on drums, John Nolan on guitar (ex-Behind the Magnolia Curtain) and Dave Thomas on guitar and vocals (ex-Bodies, Slaughter House). In 1989 Gardner was replaced by Tim Hemensley (ex-Royal Flush, God). Both Hemensley and Nolan left in 1991 to form Powder Monkeys. Bored! released four studio albums by 1993 and disbanded later that year. Thomas briefly joined Magic Dirt and subsequently has enlisted various line-ups for reformed versions of Bored! in 1998, 1999 and 2000.


    Bored! were formed as a punk rock band in Geelong in 1987 with Grant Gardner on bass guitar, Adrian Hann on keyboards, Justin Munday on drums, John Nolan on guitar (ex-Behind the Magnolia Curtain) and Dave Thomas on guitar and vocals (ex-Bodies, Slaughter House). Thomas' previous punk band, Bodies, had formed in Geelong in 1983, by 1985 he had joined the Melbourne-based group, Slaughter House. Late in 1986, Thomas started a new band, International Rescue, which successively became Sister Anne and then White Noise. By 1987, the group had the line-up of Gardner, Hann, Munday, Nolan and Thomas and were renamed as Bored!. Their name was derived from a 1978 single, "Bored", by Detroit punk rockers Destroy All Monsters.


    In conventional usage, boredom is an emotional or psychological state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, is not interested in his or her surroundings, or feels that a day or period is dull or tedious. It is also understood by scholars as a modern phenomenon which has a cultural dimension. In Experience Without Qualities: Boredom and Modernity, Elizabeth Goodstein traces the modern discourse on boredom through literary, philosophical, and sociological texts to find that as "a discursively articulated phenomenon...boredom is at once objective and subjective, emotion and intellectualization — not just a response to the modern world but also a historically constituted strategy for coping with its discontents." In both conceptions, boredom has to do fundamentally with an experience of time and problems of meaning.

    Etymology and terminology

    The first recorded use of the word boredom is in the novel Bleak House by Charles Dickens, written in 1852, in which it appears six times, although the expression to be a bore had been used in print in the sense of "to be tiresome or dull" since 1768. The expression "boredom" means "state of being bored," 1852, from bore (v.1) + -dom. It also has been employed in a sense "bores as a class" (1883) and "practice of being a bore" (1864, a sense properly belonging to boreism, 1833)". The word "bore" as a noun meaning a "thing which causes ennui or annoyance" is attested to since 1778; "of persons by 1812". The noun "bore" comes from the verb "bore", which had the meaning "[s]ense of "[to] be tiresome or dull" first attested [in] 1768, a vogue word c. 1780-81 according to Grose (1785); possibly a figurative extension of "to move forward slowly and persistently," as a [hole-] boring tool does." The French term for boredom, ennui, is sometimes used in English as well.

    Adrenaline (album)

    Adrenaline is the debut album by the American alternative metal band Deftones, released in 1995 through Maverick Records. The hidden track on the album, "Fist", was produced by Ross Robinson while the rest of album was produced by Terry Date. "7 Words" and "Bored" were released as singles, but additional music videos were released for "Root" and fan favorite "Engine No. 9," which has been covered by Korn, Live, and Suicide Silence and is featured in the film Law Abiding Citizen. The album's cover art depicts a bulb syringe.


    Regarding the recording, Abe Cunningham said, "At the time we did the first record – which I really like and think is good – you can tell the band was really young. We'd been playing most of those songs for quite a while, and we were just so happy to be making a record that we didn't really think a whole lot about making the songs better." Moreno felt that Adrenaline was recorded "really fast" and performed all his vocals live with the band in the room using a hand-held Shure SM58 microphone.

