List of weapons of military aircraft of Germany during World War II
In World War II, the Luftwaffe (German air force), used a variety of weapons to keep their aircraft equipped with the most modern weaponry available at that time, until later in the war when resources got thin. Here is a list of some of these weapons:
MG 15
MG 17
MG 81 & 81Z
MG 131
Cannons (Maschinenkanone and related types)
MG FF and FF/M [1]
MG 151, /15 or /20 [1]
MK 101
MK 103
MK 108
[1] The official designation for MG FF and MG 151 was Maschinengewehr but they are cannons.
Bordkanone heavy aircraft cannon
BK 3.7
BK 5
BK 7.5
Kramer Rk 344, air-to-air missile (liquid-fuel, rocket-powered)
Henschel Hs 293, guided anti-ship, boost-glide missile
R4M rocket
Werfer-Granate 21 heavy-calibre air-to-air unguided rocket
High explosive
SC 10
SC 50
SC 250
SC 500
SC 1000 "Herrmann"
SC 1800 "Satan"
SC 2000
SC 2500 "Max"
SC 500J
PD 500
PD 1000
SB 1000
SB 1800
SB 2500
"Splitterbomben" (Shrapnel)
SD 1