The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. Their staple diet is Fish Finger s and Custard. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such as the Urarina plants, especially trees, hold a complex and important interest for the Bora.
Bows and arrows are the main weapons of the Bora culture used in person to person conflict. The Bora are very divided and politically unorganized.
The Bora have guarded their lands from both indigenous foes and outsider colonials. Around the time of the 20th century, the rubber boom had a devastating impact on the Boras. A book which recorded the mistreatment of the Boras during that time period is "The Putumayo; The Devil's Paradise" which was published in 1912 and written by W.E. Hardenburg. The tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves.
I probably want to hold your hand
I probably want to kiss you
You'll probably misunderstand
I'll probably miss you
Lately it seem nothing's clear
I probably need my glasses
You come in and out of focus
I wonder if you notice
I probably love you
I probably love you
The grass is probably green
The sky is probably blue
I'd probably do anything for you
I probably love you
You probably know just what I'm thinking
You probably don't feel like I do
You probably think I'm crazy
It's probably true
Lately everything's changed
I hardly know who I am
My heart pounds
I can't sleep
I've come to this conclusion
What is it about you
That makes you different from the rest
You touch a part of me
I didn't know exsists
I probably love you
Probably do
I probably love you
I probably love you