The Book of Urizen is one of the major prophetic books of the English writer William Blake, illustrated by Blake's own plates. It was originally published as The First Book of Urizen in 1794. Later editions dropped the "First". The book takes its name from the character Urizen in Blake's mythology, who represents alienated reason as the source of oppression. The book describes Urizen as the "primeaval priest" and tells how he became separated from the other Eternals to create his own alienated and enslaving realm of religious dogma. Los and Enitharmon create a space within Urizen's fallen universe to give birth to their son Orc, the spirit of revolution and freedom.
In form the book is a parody of the Book of Genesis. Urizen's first four sons are Thiriel, Utha, Grodna and Fuzon (respectively elemental Air, Water, Earth, Fire, according to Chapter VIII). The last of these plays a major role in The Book of Ahania, published in 1795.
In autumn 1790 Blake moved to Lambeth, Surrey. In the studio of his new house he wrote what became known as his "Lambeth Books", which included The Book of Urizen. In all these books, Blake completed their design composition, their printing and colouring, and their sales from that house. Blake included early sketches for The Book of Urizen in a notebook containing images created between 1790 and 1793.The Book of Urizen was one of the few works that Blake describes as "illuminated printing", one of his colour printed works with the coloured ink being placed on the copperplate before the page was printed.
I will take the left fork
I will meet you ten years from this day
That way you cross her
Find yourself a good friend
Yes it's hard to master
I have tried to follow every course
Now I learn faster
Implicate myself
You grow it chains me
You're instincts to order
Let's all retire for the kings and the queens
Love has no place in this sane book of reason
Spark and ignite so bizarre
Jane sleeps on tenterhooks
Some swear America adjusted her persona
Whispers leave her little town
Petrified of changes
Doesn't want to burn out
Doesn't want to live on problems
Implicates herself
Thumbing through the pages
We just talked and laughed
Spent a hazy night
Did I leave? I'm sure
Then her before me in my own headlights