Book of Helaman
The Book of Helaman is one of the books that make up the Book of Mormon. The book continues the history of the Nephites and the Lamanites "according to the records of Helaman, who was the son of Helaman, and also according to the records of his sons, even down to the coming of Christ" (The Book of Helaman, preface). According to footnotes, the book covers the time period between c. 52 BCE and 1 BCE.
In 52 BCE the Nephites had trouble over the succession to Pahoran as judge among his sons. He had many sons, but among these, Pahoran Jr., Paanchi and Pacumeni wanted the seat. They stirred up trouble among the people as they campaigned for the position. The people selected Pahoran by acclaim, and Pacumeni assented.
But Paanchi had the backing of the minority and he sought to instigate a rebellion. Before he could make much headway, he was arrested and tried, convicted of sedition, and sentenced to death. The minority sent a hitman named Kishkumen to kill Pahoran as he sat on the bench. The assassination was done in disguise so no one could accuse Kishkumen.