Bodhi Linux
Bodhi Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that uses the Moksha Desktop Environment. The philosophy for the distribution is to provide a minimal base system so that users can populate it with the software they want. Thus, by default it only includes software that is essential to most Linux users, including file browsers (PCManFM), a web browser (Midori) and a terminal emulator (Terminology). It does not include software or features that its developers deem unnecessary. To make populating systems with software easy, Bodhi Linux developers maintain an online database of lightweight software that can be installed in one click via apturl.
In addition to the standard version of Bodhi Linux, which is for Intel-compatible processors, there was an alpha release version for tablet devices with ARM processors, based on Debian. The tablet device version of Bodhi is not officially supported anymore, because of the amount of time needed to keep it up to date. Package and image updates will rarely be made, if at all, in the future.