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Bobâlna (Olpret until 1957; Hungarian: Alparét; German: Krautfeld) is a commune in Cluj County, Romania, having a population of 1,888. It is composed of eleven villages: Antăş (Antos), Băbdiu (Zápróc), Blidăreşti (Tálosfalva), Bobâlna, Cremenea (Keménye), Maia (Mánya), Oşorhel (Erdővásárhely), Pruni (Nagymező), Răzbuneni (Radákszinye), Suarăş (Szóváros) and Vâlcelele (Bujdos).
The first document that mentions the village is from 1332. This village was the place where the 15th century Bobâlna revolt started.
According to the census from 2002 there was a total population of 1,888 people living in this town. Of this population, 99.76% are ethnic Romanians, 1.85% ethnic Romani and 1.37% are ethnic Hungarians.
Coordinates: 47°8′N 23°38′E / 47.133°N 23.633°E
Oop-scooby-dooby-lena, go-gal-go
bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, she's my gal
Oh, bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, yeah she's my gal
She's my gal and I love her so
Oop-scooby-dooby-lena, go-gal-go
Well the school bells are ringin', everybody went out
Goin' to the shag, gonna shake it all about
Bop-a-lena lookin' like a rose in the wild
Man I dig that freek juvenile
When she gets a-goin' she's a real cool chick
She do the bop like a pogostick
Bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, she's my gal
Oh bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, yeah she's my gal
She's my gal and I love her so
Oop-scooby-dooby-lena, go-gal-go
I got my pattern-leather shoes on my hounddog feet
Me and bop-a-lena gonna walk the beat
To the whole jukebox in the be-bop shag
When we get a-goin', gonna ball a jack
Bop-a-lena got two feet that talk
Look at her go on a camelwalk
Bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, she's my gal
Oh bop-a-lena, bop-a-lena, yeah she's my gal
She's my gal and I love her so