Bobbinet or genuine tulle is a specific type of tulle netting which has been made in the United Kingdom since the invention of the bobbinet machine in 1808 by John Heathcoat. John Heathcoat coined the term "bobbin net", or bobbinet as it is spelled today, to distinguish his machine-made tulle from the handmade "pillow lace", called so because of the pillow used to produce it. Machines based on his original designs are still in operation today producing fabrics in Perry Street, Chard, Somerset, UK.
The forerunner of bobbinet tulle was bobbin lace. Lace has been produced for a long time, made in tedious hand labour with thin thread and needles or bobbins. Bobbin lace is made by weaving the threads by moving the bobbins over or under each other. Much bobbin lace is based on a net ground. By the end of the 18th century, people tried to produce the net ground mechanically. In 1765 they managed to create a tulle-like fabric on a so-called stocking framework. It took, however, some more years until the first real tulle could be produced mechanically. Bobbinet machines were finally invented in 1808 by John Heathcoat. He studied the hand movements of a Northamptonshire manual lace maker and reproduced them in the roller-locker machine. The smooth, unpatterned tulle produced on these machines was on a par with real, handmade lace net. Heathcoat’s bobbinet machine is so ingeniously designed that the ones used today have suffered little alteration.
Oh baby why not
Just take one more chance
And risk all we got
On this luckless romance
If someone asks why
We'll say we forgot
And went kinda crazy
Oh baby why not
If love needs a fool
For it to survive
It sure looks to me
Like we both qualify
And a pair of fools
Will always beat one
So let's play the cards
And get this deal done
Oh baby why not
Bet big on the bliss
And laugh in the face
Of what all odds insist
If someone asks why
We'll say we forgot
And both lost our minds
Oh baby why not
Oh baby please
You and I
Are exactly what we need
So let's throw away all care
Move out on the edge somewhere
Find a place and just swing there in the breeze
Oh baby why not
Just take one more chance
And risk all we got
On this luckless romance
If someone asks why
We'll say we forgot
And threw our lives away
Oh baby why not
And went kinda crazy
Oh baby why not
And both lost our minds
Oh baby why not
Oh baby, oh baby
Oh baby, oh baby why not
Why not, why not
Why not, why not
Why not, why not
Why not, why not
Why not
Give me three good reasons, and I'll let you up
No, wait a minute, give me five good reasons and I'll let you up
Uh huh, uh huh
No, four don't count, 'cause that's your mother's reason
Hey, don't bite me