Boötes /boʊˈoʊtiːz/ is a constellation in the northern sky, located between 0° and +60° declination, and 13 and 16 hours of right ascension on the celestial sphere. The name comes from the Greek Βοώτης, Boōtēs, meaning herdsman or plowman (literally, ox-driver; from βοῦς bous “cow”). The "ö" in the name is a diaeresis, not an umlaut, meaning that each 'o' is to be pronounced separately.
One of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, Boötes is now one of the 88 modern constellations. It contains the fourth brightest star in the night sky, the orange-hued Arcturus. Boötes is home to many other bright stars, including eight above the fourth magnitude and an additional 21 above the fifth magnitude, making a total of 29 stars easily visible to the naked eye.
In ancient Babylon the stars of Boötes were known as SHU.PA. They were apparently depicted as the god Enlil, who was the leader of the Babylonian pantheon and special patron of farmers.
The modern constellation Boötes lies across one of the quadrants symbolized by the The Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍, Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng), and Three Enclosures (三垣, Sān Yuán), that divide the sky in traditional Chinese uranography.
The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 牧夫座 (mù fū zuò), meaning "the shepherd constellation".
The map of Chinese constellation in constellation Boötes area consists of :
Eta Boötis (η Boo, η Boötis) is a star in the constellation Boötes. It has the traditional names Muphrid and Saak, and the Flamsteed designation 8 Boötis. Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classified.
The name Muphrid is from the Arabic مفرد الرامح mufrid ar-rāmiħ "the (single) one of the lancer". In Chinese, 右攝提 (Yòu Niè Dī), meaning "the Right Conductor", refers to an asterism consisting of Eta Boötis, Tau Boötis and Upsilon Boötis. Consequently, Eta Boötis itself is known as 右攝提一 (Yòu Niè Dī yī, English: "the First Star of the Right Conductor"). In the catalogue of stars in the Calendarium of Al Achsasi al Mouakket, this star was designated Ramih al Ramih (رمح الرامح—rumḥ al rāmiḥ), which was translated into Latin as Lancea Lanceator, possibly meaning the lance of the lancer.
This star is a subgiant that has begun the process of evolving from a main sequence star into a red giant. It has about 1.7 times the mass of the Sun and 2.7 times the Sun's radius. The estimated age of this star is about 2.7 billion years. Based on its spectra, Eta Boötis has a significant excess of elements heavier than helium. In fact the ratio of iron to hydrogen is considered close to the upper limit for dwarf stars in the galactic disk. The star is a suspected spectroscopic binary with a reported period of 494 days, but the companion was not confirmed through speckle interferometry. This measurement does not rule out a low mass stellar companion of spectral class M7.
Sie war wie alle andren war'n
Voll Lebensdurst, doch unerfahr'n.
In ihren Augen brannte heiss die Glut, die Glut, die Glut.
Wo was los war, war auch sie.
Man nannte sie nur Melanie.
Sie ging die Wege zwischen schlecht
Und gut und gut und gut und gut und gut.
Zu Hause war sie fortgerannt,
Weil man nicht gleiche Worte fand.
Und Liebe spuerte sie nie - Melanie ! Melanie !
Ihr Vater hatte niemals Zeit und
Wenn er da war, gab es Streit.
So ein Leben wollte sie nie mehr,
nie mehr, nie mehr, nie mehr.
Zu Hause war sie fortgerannt,
Weil man nicht gleiche Worte fand.
Und Liebe spuerte sie nie - Melanie ! Melanie !
Mal blieb sie von der Arbeit weg und
Suchte Halt in manchem Bett.
Doch was sie fand erlosch bei Tageslicht.
Ein Kind - sie wusste nicht von wem.
Sie wollte es trotz alledem.
Die Traenen, die sie weinte, sah man nicht.
Traenen sah man bei ihr nie.
Man misst das Leben nicht nach Jahren.
Doch sie, als ich sie wiedersah.
Das Kind an ihrer Seite lachte und