Bnei Brak (Hebrew: בְּנֵי בְרַק (audio) , bənê ḇəraq) is a city located on the central Mediterranean coastal plain in Israel, just east of Tel Aviv. A center of Ultra Orthodox Judaism, Bnei Brak covers an area of 709 hectares, and had a population of 178,288 in 2014. It is one of the poorest and most densely populated cities in Israel.
Bnei Brak takes its name from the ancient Biblical city of Beneberak, mentioned in the Tanakh (Joshua 19:45) in a long list of towns of ancient Judea. The name is also cited by some as continuing the name of the Palestinian village of Ibn Ibraq ("Son of Ibraq/Barak") which was located 4 kilometers (2.5 mi) to the south of where Bnei Barak was founded in 1924.
Bnei Brak was founded as an agricultural village by Yitzchok Gerstenkorn and a group of Polish chasidim. Due to a lack of land many of the founders turned to other occupations and the village began to develop an urban character. Arye Mordechai Rabinowicz, formerly rabbi of Kurów in Poland, was the first rabbi. He was succeeded by Rabbi Yosef Kalisz, a scion of the Vurker dynasty. The town was set up as a religious settlement from the outset, as is evident from this description of the pioneers: "Their souls were revived by the fact that they merited what their predecessors had not. What particularly revived their weary souls in the mornings and toward evening, when they would gather in the beis medrash situated in a special shack which was built immediately upon the arrival of the very first settlers, for tefilla betzibbur (communal prayer) three times a day, for the Daf Yomi shiur, and a Gemara shiur and an additional one in Mishnayos and the Shulchan Oruch."
Look closer and you see
I will be running it
I got a hundred dollar bill
In the cockpit
Suprised me in the line
Is a blackhole
I got another job
At the liquor store
Oh well
I'm broke boke
They got a white pony
In the stable
And ride him
When the doggie isn't able
He doesn't really care
Because they pay him
But still a black suit
Is gonna shake him
Oh well
I'm bone broke
As broke as i'll ever be
Looking at the way girl
I'm telling ya
God gave 7 minutes right too ya
And your mother put her money into platinum
And now you never have to pay attention
Do ya?
I'm nailing on a brick
With my nails
I'm sending loads of moneys
In the mail
Keep shouting in my box yeh for saying
And the the brick breakers
Gonna break it down
Oh well
I'm bone broke
Looking at the way girl
I'm telling ya
God gave 7 minutes right too ya
Your mother put her money into platinum