A reel is an object around which lengths of another material (usually long and flexible) are wound for storage. Generally a reel has a cylindrical core and walls on the sides to retain the material wound around the core. In some cases the core is hollow, although other items may be mounted on it, and grips may exist for mechanically turning the reel.
The size of the core is dependent on several factors. A smaller core will obviously allow more material to be stored in a given space. However, there is a limit to how tightly the stored material can be wound without damaging it and this limits how small the core can be.
Other issues affecting the core size include:
Reel was a thoroughbred race horse, and one of the greatest American Thoroughbred broodmares in history.
Reel was born in Alabama at the farm of James Jackson, although both her sire and dam were imported from England. Before he was purchased by James Jackson's stud farm, Reel's sire Glencoe won the 2,000 Guineas and Ascot Gold Cup during his English racing career. Glencoe was not only was the sire of Reel, but also of the great broodmare Pocahontas, considered to be one of the most important female lines in history. Through Pocahontas, his is the blood that runs through three great sires and racehorses: Stockwell, Rataplan, and King Tom (horse). In America, Glencoe was the leading sire in 1847, 1849, 1850 and from 1854 to 1858, inclusive.
During his first American season in 1837, Glencoe covered Galopade. She had already produced two fillies that would become successful broodmares when crossed to Glencoe: Fandango and Cotillion (both by Leviathan). Galopade had been bred by Colonel King, and was imported to Canada in 1836, before James Jackson purchased her. Her sire, Catton, was also sire to Trustee (father of the mare Fashion and other great horses). Galopade was one of the most productive mares ever bred. Her three great daughters—Fandango, Cotillion, and Reel—extend into the bloodlines of many winners of today.
A reel is an object around which lengths of another material are wound for storage.
Reel may also refer to:
In Norse mythology, Jörð (Icelandic "earth", pronounced [ˈjœrð] and from Old Norse jǫrð, pronounced [ˈjɔrð], sometimes Anglicized as Jord or Jorth; also called Jarð, [jɑrð] as in Old East Norse), is a female jötunn. She is the mother of Thor and the personification of the Earth. Fjörgyn and Hlóðyn are considered to be other names for Jörð. Some scholars refer to Jörð as a goddess. Jörð's name appears in skaldic poetry both as a poetic term for the land and in kennings for Thor.
Jörð is the common word for earth in Old Norse, as are the word's descendants in the modern Scandinavian languages; Icelandic jörð, Faroese jørð, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian jord. It is cognate to English "earth" through Old English eorðe.
In Gylfaginning, the first part of the Prose Edda, Jörð is described as one of Odin's sexual partners and the mother of Thor. She is the daughter of Annar and Nótt and half-sister of Auðr and Dagr.
However, scholar Haukur Thorgeirsson points out that the four manuscripts of Gylfaginning vary in their descriptions of the family relations between Nótt, Jörð, Dagr, and Dellingr. In other words, depending on the manuscript, either Jörð or Nótt is the mother of Dagr and partner of Dellingr. Haukur details that "the oldest manuscript, U, offers a version where Jǫrð is the wife of Dellingr and the mother of Dagr while the other manuscripts, R, W and T, cast Nótt in the role of Dellingr's wife and Dagr's mother", and argues that "the version in U came about accidentally when the writer of U or its antecedent shortened a text similar to that in RWT. The results of this accident made their way into the Icelandic poetic tradition".
JR or Jr. may refer to:
J&R is an online electronics and music retailer, based in New York City. It had a well-known retail location on Park Row, across from New York City Hall for 43 years, and is currently being renovated in preparation for a reopening at a later, unannounced date. J&R stands for Joe and Rachelle Friedman, the founders, who established the company in 1971 after emigrating from Israel. The heavily trafficked store had expanded from selling LPs to eventually encompassing J&R Music World and J&R Computer World, selling everything from Blu-ray Disc players to the latest electronic gadgets.
J&R also had a location at Columbia University, which closed in the fall of 2002. J&R later opened a J&R Express at the bottom level of Macy's Herald Square in 2006, and which was later closed in 2012.
It currently operates a store under the name "J&R Express", which opened in the New York City flagship location of Century 21 in November 2014.
In 1971, 20-year-old newlyweds Joseph and Rachelle Friedman started J&R as a small consumer electronics store selling stereos and television sets in a 500 square foot store front at 33 Park Row