What are NJ blue laws and why do we have them? ... Non-essential retail stores are closed in Bergen County on Sunday's because of the blue laws in New Jersey ... What are the blue laws? ... American Dream lease with state mandates blue law compliance.
Its history includes use as a monastery, royal residence, and army barracks, with a notorious torture chamber adding to its grim legacy. The “Blue Boy” or “Radiant Boy” is a famous ghost, linked to a ...
Singer Annika Chambers, a three-time winner of the BluesMusicAward for Soul Blues Female Artist (which she's nominated for again this year), and her husband and guitarist Paul DesLauriers will ...
On Saturday, there are five acts including Annika Chambers, performing from 5 to 6.30 p.m., who is among today's top blues stars, having won a BluesMusicAward in 2024 in the "Soul Blues Female Artist of the Year" category.
“Some of the bills that are dealing with more obscure issues, uh, if they make it into the other chamber and through conference, that’s when we’ll pay more attention to it.” ... majority in each chamber.
...Republican counterparts in seven of nine partisan special elections — by a collective margin of $35.7 million — right before riding a “blue wave” back into control of the chamber in the 2018 midterms.
Workers on Wednesday rearranged the blue seats in the chamber of the lower house of parliament, or Bundestag... Outgoing speaker Bärbel Bas thanked the workers who would rearrange the chamber “in ...
Bayport-BluePointChamber of Commerce president Karl Auwaerter said that the parade committee was caught off guard by the display and that it was not planned for or supposed to be a part of the ceremonies.