Blue Lightning
Blue Lightning is a pseudo-simulation computer game in which the player controls a military airplane. The game was one of the first games for the Atari Lynx, released in 1989 and was programmed by Epyx, headed by lead programmer, Brian Bowhay, (who also developed the Lynx). The game was well received by critics.
In 1995 a remake, developed by Attention To Detail, was released as a pack-in game for the Atari Jaguar CD.
Reviewing the Jaguar CD remake, GamePro summarized that "Looking like a scaled-down version of After Burner, Blue Lightning is a mediocre game and an awful flight sim." They elaborated that the game suffers from graphics which are simplistic and ugly even by 16-bit standards, clunky plane movements, and a feeble weapons arsenal.
See also
List of Atari Lynx games
History of Atari
External links
Blue Lightning at MobyGames