A blowtorch (USA usage), or blowlamp (British usage, or rare or archaic), is a fuel-burning tool used for applying flame and heat to various applications, usually metalworking.
Early blowlamps used liquid fuel, carried in a refillable reservoir attached to the lamp. Modern blowtorches are mostly gas-fuelled. Their fuel reservoir is disposable or refillable by exchange. The term "blowlamp" usually refers to liquid-fuelled torches still used in the UK. Liquid-fuelled torches are pressurized by a piston hand pump, while gas torches are self-pressurized by the fuel evaporation.
Fuel torches are available in a vast range of size and output power. The term blowtorch applies to the smaller and lower temperature range of these. Blowtorches are typically a single hand-held unit, with their draught supplied by a natural draught of air. The larger torches may have a heavy fuel reservoir placed on the ground, connected by a hose. This is common for butane- or propane-fuelled gas torches, but also applies to the older, large liquid paraffin (kerosene) torches such as the Wells light.
The great cathedral of man arise
Through doors flung wide
Every nation marches singing
Towards defeat and death
Judgment day edges toward evening
Panzer thunder, panzer death
Black twelve armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy sun
Judgment day edges toward evening
Every nation marches singing
Every nation toward death
Let us rejoice in the light of this man-made Armageddon
This man-made hell
Hand in hand with angels of iron
Angels of wrath
Panzer thunder, panzer death
Black twelve armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy black sun
The great cathedral of man arise
Through doors flung wide
Every nation marches singing
Toward defeat and death
Judgment day edges toward evening
Panzer thunder, panzer death
Black twelve armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy black sun
Judgment day edges toward evening
Every nation marches singing
Every nation toward death
Let us rejoice in the light of this man-made Armageddon
This man-made blazing hell
Hand in hand with angels of iron
Angels of wrath
Panzer thunder, panzer death
Black twelve armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy black sun
Every nation marches singing
Every nation towards death
Let us rejoice in the light of this glaring mass cremation
This shining mass death light
Hand in hand with angels of iron
Angels of wrath
Panzer chaos, panzer hell
Black twelve armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy sun
Every nation marches singing
Even our children shall fight to the end
Let us rejoice in the light of this man-made Armageddon
This man-made blazing hell
Hand in hand with angels of iron
Angels of wrath
Panzer thunder, panzer death
Black twelve-armed holy sun
Rise! Rise! Holy black sun
Ever nation marches singing
Every nation toward death