Phase or phases may refer to:
Refers to the periods of time during which a planet's surface reflects different amounts of sunlight, revealing different portions of the planet's surface from the perspective of a given point in space.
The two inferior planets, Mercury and Venus, which have orbits that are smaller than the Earth's, exhibit the full range of phases as does the Moon, when seen through a telescope. Their phases are "full" when they are at superior conjunction, on the far side of the Sun as seen from the Earth. (It is possible to see them at these times, since their orbits are not exactly in the plane of Earth's orbit, so they usually appear to pass slightly above or below the Sun in the sky. Seeing them from the Earth's surface is difficult, because of sunlight scattered in Earth's atmosphere, but observers in space can see them easily if direct sunlight is blocked from reaching the observer's eyes.) The planets' phases are "new" when they are at inferior conjunction, passing more or less between the Sun and the Earth. (Sometimes they appear to cross the solar disk, which is called a transit of the planet.) At intermediate points on their orbits, these planets exhibit the full range of crescent and gibbous phases.
Phase in sinusoidal functions or in waves has two different, but closely related, meanings. One is the initial angle of a sinusoidal function at its origin and is sometimes called phase offset or phase difference. Another usage is the fraction of the wave cycle that has elapsed relative to the origin.
The phase of an oscillation or wave refers to a sinusoidal function such as the following:
where ,
, and
are constant parameters called the amplitude, frequency, and phase of the sinusoid. These functions are periodic with period
, and they are identical except for a displacement of
along the
axis. The term phase can refer to several different things:
Se que no fui en tu vida el hombre mas perfecto
Con defectos pero el hombre de tus sueños
Nunca valore todo el amor que me entregabas
Toda la pasión que cuerpo a cuerpo me brindabas
Y Te me vas, Te Me Vas
Como hoja que el viento se lleva sin mirar atras
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como gota de lluvia que al cielo no regresara
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como ave que emprende su viaje sin rumbo y no sabe
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como barco que sale a buscarte en los mares
Y Te me vas...
Te juro que no tenia intención de hacerte daño
Debi darte amor y no entendió tu corazón que fallo
Y hoy que no estas me hace falta tu compañía
La Soledad se ha vuelto mi mejor amiga
Y Te me vas, Te Me Vas
Como hoja que el viento se lleva sin mirar atras
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como gota de lluvia que al cielo no regresara
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como ave que emprende su viaje sin rumbo y no sabe
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como barco que sale a buscarte en los mares
Y Te me vas...
Y Te me vas...
Y Te me vas...
Y Te me vas,
Como hoja que el viento se lleva sin mirar atras
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como gota de lluvia que al cielo no regresara
Y Te vas y Te me vas
Como ave que emprende su viaje sin rumbo y no sabe
Y Te vas y Te me vas...