David Parland (26 September 1970 – 19 March 2013) was a Swedish metal guitarist, best known for his work in the bands Dark Funeral, Necrophobic and Infernal, in all of which he was one of the founding members.
He was a member of Necrophobic from its inception in 1989, but quit the band in 1995 to concentrate on Dark Funeral, which he was one of the main founding members of in 1993. Prior to leaving Necrophobic he had, however, written most of the material for the next album. The album Darkside, with Parland's material intact, was released by Necrophobic in 1997, although Parland himself did not participate as a musician on the album.
Parland also ran the small underground cult record label Hellspawn Records from 1994 to 2002, releasing albums from bands such as Abruptum and his own Dark Funeral, with distribution by House of Kicks, VME and Sound Pollution. After leaving Dark Funeral in 1996, Parland founded the bands War and Infernal. While having kept a low profile and not being actively involved in any bands since the second line-up of Infernal broke up in 2003, Parland announced in January 2009 that he was working on new material with drummer Tomas Asklund (Gorgoroth, Dissection, ex-Dark Funeral). Demos and a full-length album were to be recorded during 2009. In March 2009 it was revealed that the band would be a continuation of Parland's old band Infernal. An EP from the band was finally released on May 1, 2010, entitled "The Infernal Return".
Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat
Mankey, Chansey and Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree
Lugia and Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen
Elekid and Nidoqueen
Victreebel and Magneton - Everybody Polkamon!
Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke
Marill, Moltres, then Slowpoke
Articuno, Ditto, Muk
Flareon and ol' Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom
Snorlax and of course Vileplume
Zapdos and Charmeleon - Everybody Polkamon!
It's time to polka
For Ponyta and Pidgey too
Come on put on your lederhosen
And try not to stamp on little Pikachu
You'd better grab yourself a partner
Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur)
Hold on a minute - there's still at least a hundred and twenty-seven more
Including Ledyba and Omastar
Jynx, Bellossom and Magmar
Geodude and Arcanine
Jiggypuff and Mr. Mime
Don't forget about Sandslash
Exeggcute and Rapidash
Lickitung and Porygon - Everybody Polkamon!
Everybody Polkamon!