TDR may refer to:
In science and medicine:
In publications:
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In entertainment:
In other uses:
TDR: The Drama Review is an academic journal focusing on performances in their social, economic, aesthetic, and political contexts. The journal covers dance, theatre, music, performance art, visual art, popular entertainment, media, sports, rituals, and performance in politics and everyday life.
TDR:The Drama Review was founded in 1955 by Robert W. Corrigan as the "Carlton Drama Review" (so named because Corrigan was a faculty member at Carlton College). Corrigan took TDR with him to Tulane University in 1957 where he renamed it the Tulane Drama Review. In 1962, Corrigan left Tulane for Carnegie Mellon University and Richard Schechner became editor. Schechner left Tulane for New York University in 1967 taking TDR with him renaming it TDR: The Drama Review. Erika Munk succeeded Schechner as editor in 1969. Michael Kirby became editor in 1970. In 1986, Kirby resigned and Schechner resumed TDR's editorship. Schechner continues as editor as of 2010. TDR is owned by New York University and is published in hard copy and online by the MIT Press.
Carmageddon TDR 2000 (also known as Carmageddon: Total Destruction Racing 2000 or Carmageddon 3: TDR 2000 in North America), is an action-racing-vehicular combat video game. The sequel to Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now, it was developed by Torus Games and released in the United Kingdom on September 1, 2000, and on December 14 in North America. Stainless Games were not involved with this release.
The title is a homage to the inspiration for the Carmageddon series, Death Race 2000. As with the other games in the series, one of the most controversial aspects was that pedestrians could be killed by immolation (being set on fire) or graphic collisions that could include dismemberment. In some countries, the human pedestrians were replaced with zombies - actually only changing the red blood to green slime - but patches were circulated on the internet that reverted the game to its original state.
While still part of the game series' canon, the gameplay was not a significant advancement on the original, which resulted in poor sales for the game and blurred the chances of a 4th installment of the series. However, almost 12 years later, a long awaited 4th installment of the series was announced on the official site, called Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
Bitch may refer to:
Bitch or Bitches may also refer to:
Bitch is an independent, quarterly magazine published in Portland, Oregon. Its tagline is "a feminist response to pop culture".Bitch is published by the multimedia non-profit organization Bitch Media. The magazine includes analysis of current political events, social and cultural trends, television shows, movies, books, music, advertising, and artwork from a feminist perspective. It has about 80,000 readers.
The first issue of Bitch was a ten-page feature. It was published in January 1996 in Oakland, California. The founding editors, Lisa Jervis and Andi Zeisler, along with founding art director Benjamin Shaykin, wanted to create a public forum in which to air thoughts and theories on women, gender, and feminist issues, interpreted through the lens of the media and popular culture. The first issue of Bitch was a zine, and a mere 300 copies were distributed from the trunk of a station wagon.
In 2001, a loan from San Francisco's Independent Press Association allowed Jervis and Zeisler to quit their day jobs and work on Bitch full-time and the magazine officially became a non-profit.
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.
Although initially thought to have originated as a manmade variant of an extant canid species (variously supposed as being the dhole,golden jackal, or gray wolf), extensive genetic studies undertaken during the 2010s indicate that dogs diverged from an extinct wolf-like canid in Eurasia 40,000 years ago. Being the oldest domesticated animal, their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior, as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet which would be inadequate for other canid species.
Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man's best friend" in the Western world. In some cultures, however, dogs are a source of meat.
Life is but a dream to me
I don't wanna wake up
Thirty odd years without having my cake up
So I'm about my paper
24/7, 365,366 in a leap year
I don't know why we here
Since we gotta be here
Life is but a beach chair
Went from having shabby clothes
Crossing over Abbey Roads
Hear my angels singing to me
Are you happy HOV?
I just hope I'm hearing right
Karma's got me fearing life
Colleek are you praying for me
See I got demons in my past
So I got daughters on the way
If the prophecy's correct
Then the child should have to pay
For the sins of a father
So I barter my tomorrows
Against my yesterdays
In hopes that she'll be OK
And when I'm no longer here
To shade her face from the glare
I'll give her my share of Carol's Daughter
and a new beach chair
Life is but a dream to me
Gun shots sing to these
Other guys but lullabies
Don't mean a thing to me
I'm not afraid of dying
I'm afraid of not trying
Everyday hit every wave
Like I'm Hawaiian
I don't surf the net
No I never been on myspace
Too busy letting my voice vibrate
Carving out my space
In this world of fly girls
Cutthroats & diamond cut ropes I twirls
Benzs round corners
Where the sun don't shine
I let the wheels give a glimpse
Of hope of one's grind
Some said HOV, how you get so fly
I said from not being afraid to fall out the sky
My physical's a shell
So when I say farewell
My soul will find an even
Higher plane to dwell
So fly you shall
So have no fear, just know that
Life is but a beach chair
Life is but a dream Can't mimic my life
I'm the thinnest cut slice
Intercut, the winner's cup
With winters rough enough
TO interrupt life
That's why I'm both
The saint & the sinner
This is Jay everyday
No compromise
No compass comes with this life
Just eyes
So to map it out
You must look inside
Sure books can guide you
But your heart defines you
You corason is what brought us home
In great shape like Heidi Klum
Maricon, I am on
Permanent Vaca
Life is but a beach chair
This song is like a Hallmark card
Until you read each here
So till she's here
And she declared
The aire
I will prepare
A blueprint for you to print
A map for you to get back
A guide for your eyes
And so you won't lose scent
I'll make a stink for you to think
I ink these verses full of prose
So you won't get conned out of 2 cent
My last will and testament I leave my heir