Bisso Na Bisso (Lingala: Between Us) is a music collective of rappers and singers with origins from Congo Brazzaville formed in 1999. The group consisting of Ben-J (from Les Neg'Marrons), Lino and Calbo (from the group Ärsenik), Doc and G Kill (from 2Bal), Mystik and the only female M'Passi was put together by French rapper Passi.
The group created an album called Racines which means 'Roots' in French. The album contained a fusion of hip hop with African rhythms and sounds like rumba, zouk and soukous giving it a unique and distinctive flavour. The album also featured collaborations with prominent African musicians of the time like Koffi Olomide, Papa Wemba, Ismael Lo, Kassav and Monique Seka.
Many French rappers such as those that comprise the group Bisso Na Bisso, describe their desire to both foster solidarity among Blacks and demonstrate their pride in Africa, while simultaneously acknowledging their roots in an Urban French context. This identity struggle represented in French rap music is further complicated by the fact that black rappers in France struggle to create a presence in the film industry and on television where French Blacks receive little exposure and being white opens doors to many more opportunities. Rappers report their feelings of disconnect from both their homelands and from their present homes where they are unable to adequately use the media to portray the inequality in French society.
Grcki sverceri,
arapski studenti,
negativni elementi,
maloletni delikventi
i besni psi.
Kucne pomocnice,
njihovi svaleri,
napaljeni voajeri,
pitome i divlje zveri
i besni psi.
Ponocne pijanice,
lepe se ko pijavice,
probisveti i skitnice,
ubice me zbog sitnice
i besni psi.
Besni psi,
jure me po parku,
besni psi,
vrebaju u mraku,
besni psi,
prljavi i zli,