The initial product was a Floating pointcoprocessor chip set. Later, the company produced the B5000 SPARC ECL microprocessor (never reached production in a Sun Microsystems product, though used by Floating Point Systems) and the R6000MIPS ECL microprocessor (which did reach production as a MIPS minicomputer). The manufacture of these processors were never really reliable, thus making them prohibitively expensive when compared to competing CMOS products. The company entered the telecommunications market with ATM devices and Ethernet switches. The company was eventually acquired by PMC-Sierra in 1996 for these later communications products.
The adoption of new design principles and the utilization of advanced bipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (BiCMOS) technologies have enabled significant improvements in integrated circuit (IC) performance within the current sensor market.
The TDVCO015 & TDVCO027 are built in GaAs InGaP Heterojunction BipolarTransistor (HBT) process technology. They integrate resonators, negative resistance devices, and varactor diodes and offer ...
With new releases mean you can get older tech that still holds up for a crazy good deal, like this DefinitiveTechnology BP9020 HighPowerBipolarTower Speaker with Integrated 8″ Subwoofer—it’s on sale for $299.99, down from $649.
Many of the existing arms control agreements, he insisted, are “designed for a world that no longer exists,” created for a “bipolar conflict” and not providing coverage of “dangerous new and emerging technologies.”.
ABB delivered three ACS880 supply modules, with power conversion based on integrated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) technology, which ensures stable DC output with minimal grid distortion by reacting ...
Technological advances such as integrated circuit technology allow researchers to integrate bipolar transistors in temperature sensors and interface electronics to make the temperature sensors smart.