Bioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides (less than six percent) and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. The water's flow path, along with the wide and shallow ditch, is designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale, which aids the trapping of pollutants and silt. Depending upon the geometry of land available, a bioswale may have a meandering or almost straight channel alignment. Biological factors also contribute to the breakdown of certain pollutants.
A common application is around parking lots, where substantial automotive pollution is collected by the paving and then flushed by rain. The bioswale, or other type of biofilter, wraps around the parking lot and treats the runoff before releasing it to the watershed or storm sewer.
There are several classes of water pollutants that may be arrested with bioswales. These fall into the categories of silt, inorganic contaminants, organic chemicals and pathogens. In the case of silt, these effects are resultant turbidity to receiving waters. Inorganic compounds may be metallic compounds such as lead, chromium, cadmium and other heavy metals. Lead is the most prevalent chemical of this class, deriving from automotive residue (e.g. surface spillage of leaded gasoline). Other common inorganic compounds are macronutrients such as phosphates and nitrates. Principal sources of these nutrients are excess fertilization, which can cause eutrophication in receiving waters. Chief organic chemicals are pesticides, frequently over-dosed in agricultural and urban landscaping . These chemicals can lead to a variety of organism poisoning and aquatic ecosystem disturbance. Pathogens typically derive from surface runoff containing animal wastes and can lead to a variety of diseases in humans and aquatic organisms.
Niech nie ide sam
Zagram ci piosenki
Napisane w snach
To czary niewinne
Me jedyne dary
Matulo kochana
Jestem tak stary
Ej zabierz mnie daleko
Az po szczescia kres
Bede szedl za toba
Tak jak wierny pies
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche mi zalezy
Kiedy widze ciebie
Zapominam siebie
Za ciebie I za mnie
Za zadne pieniadze
Serca nie poskapie
I juz nie zabladze
Slyszalem ze kwitnie
Na szczycie beztroski
Szczescia bezmiar wielki
I male radostki
Ej zabierz mnie ze soba
Niech nie ide sam
Namaluje slonce
Potem caly swiat
Zakopie sie w tobie
I troche pomoge
Jak sercem pokarmisz
I ze mnie nie zadrwisz
Wylecze twe rany
I dla cie zaspiewam
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche tu posiedze
Poczekam na ciebie
Zanim tu nie przyjdziesz
Daj mi jakis znak