Bindu (Sanskrit: बिंदु) is a Sanskrit word meaning "point" or "dot". A bindi is a small, ornamental, devotional dot applied to the forehead in Hinduism.
In metaphysics, Bindu is considered the point at which creation begins and may become unity. It is also described as "the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state." Bindu is the point around which the mandala is created, representing the universe.
Bindu is often merged with [seed] (or sperm) and ova. In the Yoga Chudamani Upanishad Bindu is a duality, with a white Bindu representing shukla (sperm) and a red Bindu representing maharaj (menses). The white Bindu resides in the bindu visarga and is related to Shiva and the Moon, while the red Bindu resides in the muladhara chakra and is related to Shakti and the Sun. In yoga, the union of these two parts results in the ascension of kundalini to the sahasrara.
In Tantra, Bindu (or Bindu visarga—"falling of the drop") is a point at the back of the head where Brahmins grow their tuft of hair. This point is below the sahasrara chakra and above the ajna chakra, and is represented by a crescent moon with a white drop. It represents the manifestation of creations such as consciousness.
A symbol is a person or a concept that represents, stands for or suggests another idea, visual image, belief, action or material entity. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas or visual images and are used to convey other ideas and beliefs. For example, a red octagon may be a symbol for "STOP". On a map, a blue line might represent a river. Numerals are symbols for numbers. Alphabetic letters may be symbols for sounds. Personal names are symbols representing individuals. A red rose may symbolize love and compassion. The variable x in a mathematical equation may symbolize the position of a particle in space.
In cartography, an organized collection of symbols forms a legend for a map.
The word derives from the Greek symbolon (σύμβολον) meaning token or watchword. It is an amalgam of syn- "together" + bole "a throwing, a casting, the stroke of a missile, bolt, beam." The sense evolution in Greek is from "throwing things together" to "contrasting" to "comparing" to "token used in comparisons to determine if something is genuine." Hence, "outward sign" of something. The meaning "something which stands for something else" was first recorded in 1590, in Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene.
The Symbol is a choir in Romania that links to the great choir of the patriarchy of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Its headquarters are in the basement or the patriarchal palace in the choir room named after the mentor of the choir Nicolae Lungu.
The one who founded the choir is also the current conductor, Mr. Jean Lupu, currently 69 years old.
Excerpt from the 15-year album of the choir:
"Professor Jean Lupu, the founder and also the choir conductor, is a graduate of the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Craiova, the 'Radu Greceanu' High-school in Slatina and later, the National Academy of Music in Timişoara and Bucharest."
The one who is responsible for the funds distribution and management is Mrs. Doinița Neamțu. The president of the directorial council is Mrs. Aureliana Grama.
The assistant conductor is Luminița Gutanu, Doctor in Music, graduate of the National Music Institute in Kishinev, Republic of Moldova.
The repertory comprises more than 250 compositions, 25% being the work of the choir's mentor.
A symbol is something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity.
Symbol may also refer to:
Afsana Ara Bindu is a Bangladeshi model and actress. She was the first runner-up of the 2006 LUX Channel I Superstar.
Bindu went on to become a model and an actress in films and TV dramas. Her first released film was Peeriter Dokandari. Daruchini Dip and Jaago are under production. Later, she acted in Daruchini Deep, written by Humayun Ahmed.