The term billfish refers to a group of predatory fish characterised by prominent bills, or rostra, and by their large size; some are longer than 4 m (13 ft). Billfish include sailfish and marlin, which make up the family Istiophoridae, and swordfish, sole member of the family Xiphiidae. They are apex predators which feed on a wide variety of smaller fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods.
Billfish are pelagic and highly migratory. They are found in all oceans, although they usually inhabit tropical and subtropical waters; swordfish are found in temperate waters, as well. Billfish use their long spears or sword-like upper beaks to slash at and stun prey during feeding. Their bills can also be used to spear prey, and have been known to spear boats (probably accidentally), but they are not normally used in that way. They are highly valued as gamefish by sports fishermen.
The term billfish refers to the fishes of the families Xiphiidae and Istiophoridae. These large fishes are "characterized by the prolongation of the upper jaw, much beyond the lower jaw into a long rostrum which is flat and sword-like (swordfish) or rounded and spear-like (sailfishes, spearfishes, and marlins)."
Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Billfish, after the billfish.
My eyes are needles
Your eyes not so narrow
Another wind and we were finished for a while
My love head wound and your free head wound
Don't know but I even wanna try to be
Wake up, come on!
Your tongue makes it happen
A little prince with a coat and the money in his hands
I got my heaven wooden
And you're not my ground
And we are all just alive
I just don't like ...
And I can hear
Not so you'd know
The hand a man needs
And then one will alone
Buckets ... big kids where it's sold
Soon be outgrown
Bloody ... and past ...
Least of ... it goes unspoken
You should have known
Water's high, my clock's stopped ticking
This body's cold
Still going bolder