Bill Proctor
Bill Proctor is the Leon County, Florida District 1 County Commissioner, a role in which he has served since 1996. He has also been an Instructor Political Science at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida since August 2000.
Previously, he served on former Florida Governor Lawton Chiles' 1994 re-election committee before being essentially fired according to Chuck Wolfe, Chiles' director of external affairs.
Florida A & M University Political Science Instructor.
Special assistant for Governor Lawton Chiles.
Leon County Commissioner for District 1.
Campaign finance
In 1998, after a series of campaign finance violations, including a number of unreported campaign contributions, the Florida Elections Commission charged Proctor with 178 penalty counts totaling over $200,000 in damages, a figure that was reduced by a judge in 2004 to $82,000. Proctor responded by calling members of the Elections Commission the "funkiest and foulest low-life demons in existence against black political empowerment since the Ku Klux Klan," according to the Tallahassee Democrat.