Bijan Abdolkarimi (born 1963 in Tehran) (Persian: بیژن عبدالکریمی ) is an Iranian philosopher, thinker, translator and editor.[1][2][3]
He is an associate professor of philosophy at Islamic Azad University (North-Tehran branch).[4] His main interests are Heidegger's philosophy, postmodernism, political philosophy and existentialism.[5]
He claims to challenge the dominent ideological discourse in Iran.[6][7] He has participated in debates at Iranian universities and also in IRIB's Channel 4 in which he has opposed the notion of Islamic humanities.[8][9] [10][11] He is also a scholar of Heidegger's thought and philosophy.[12][13]
The main characteristics of Abdolkarimi's thought may be summarized as follows:
- Abdolkarimi seeks to present a spiritual, meditative interpretation of Heidegger's thought.[14]
- The relation between the West and East is his main issue in his philosophical thinking. He strongly criticizes any ideological, theological understanding of the West and East. He emphasizes on a historical, phenomenological understanding of the West and East.[15]
- He set forth the theory of "The end of theology" and it has a very critical connotation, as well as Abdolkarimi's other points of view in Islamic Republic of Iran. Following G. Vattimo, Italian philosopher, he believes that the main philosophical characteristic of our time is "the destroyed ontology". Abdolkarimi interprets Vattimo's idea in this way that "our time has become metaphysic-less". But in the context of Abdolkarimi's thought, the term "metaphysics" is not merely in the Greek sense but includes every historical theoritical tradition.[16][17]
- Abdolkarimi believes that the human being's future thought is a kind of nonsecular-nontheological thinking, namely a way of thinking that is in disagreement to the secular, materialistic interpretation of the world, but at the same time does not settle in any historic, theological systems.[18]
- Reflections on the Paradox of Directed Democracy, Eshraghieh Press, Tehran, 1989.
- Shariati and Being Politicized, Resa Institute of Cultural Service, Tehran, 1995.
- Thought and Politics, Tehran, Scientific & Cultural Press (Affiliated to The Ministry of Science and Technology), 1977.
- The Story of Me and Thou, Tehran, The Press of the Institute of the Critique of Culture, 2001.
- Heidegger and Transcendence (A commentary of Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason), Tehran, The Press of the Institute of the Critique of Culture, 2002.
- Emancipation or Dominance? (A Critique of the System of Religious Education in Iran), with Mohammad Ali Mohammadi’s cooperation, Tehran, The Press of the Institute of the Critique of Culture, 2002.
- Monism or Pluralism? (Mobile Thinking or Homeless Thought) (A Critique of Dr. Daryoush Shaygan’s Modern Enchantedness), Tehran, The Press of the Institute of the Critique of Culture, under printing.
- Nietzscheian World and Us, Elm Publication, Tehran, 2009.
- Hegel or Marx? (A Critique of Iranian Intellectuals), Tehran, The Press of the Institute of the Critique of Culture, 2002.