Ply, Pli, Plies or Plying may refer to:
Bid or BID may refer to:
Shop at Bid was a British television shopping channel based in the UK, that ran daily auction style and later fixed price demonstrations. It was the first channel of its kind in the world. The channel first launched as The channel was owned by Bid Shopping.
As of 3rd of September, Bid Shopping had reopened with new owners, It was announced on Twitter under the name @bidtv, it was the same Twitter account as they renamed, Bid has planned to reopen on 4/12/15
The channel was launched by its parent company, Sit-Up Shopping, in October 2000. It started by broadcasting 12 hours a day, much of which were pre-recorded, with auction graphics overlaid so people could bid despite the video itself being pre-recorded. Bid later aired live broadcasts almost 18 hours a day from 7:45am to 2am, with recorded TV Shopping Network presentations during its downtime.
The channel amassed a cult-following as it spread to various digital platforms. This growth in popularity can also be partly attributed to the use of David Dickinson, ex-presenter of the BBC television series Bargain Hunt, in various television advertising campaigns.
The BH3 interacting-domain death agonist, or BID, gene is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family. Bcl-2 family members share one or more of the four characteristic domains of homology entitled the Bcl-2 homology (BH) domains (named BH1, BH2, BH3 and BH4), and can form hetero- or homodimers. Bcl-2 proteins act as anti- or pro-apoptotic regulators that are involved in a wide variety of cellular activities.
BID is a pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein containing only the BH3 domain. In response to apoptotic signaling, BID interacts with another Bcl-2 family protein, Bax, leading to the insertion of Bax into organelle membranes, primarily the outer mitochondrial membrane. Bax is believed to interact with, and induce the opening of the mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel, VDAC. Alternatively, growing evidence suggest that activated Bax and/or Bak form an oligomeric pore, MAC in the outer membrane. This results in the release of cytochrome c and other pro-apoptotic factors (such as SMAC/DIABLO) from the mitochondria, often referred to as mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to activation of caspases. This defines BID as a direct activator of Bax, a role common to some of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins containing only the BH3 domain.
Long may refer to:
Sheepshead or Sheephead is a trick-taking card game related to the Skat family of games. It is the Americanized version of a card game that originated in Central Europe in the late 18th century under the German name Schafkopf. Sheepshead is most commonly played by five players, but variants exist to allow for two to eight players. There are also many other variants to the game rules, and many slang terms used with the game.
Although Schafkopf literally means "sheepshead," it has nothing to do with sheep; the term probably was derived and translated incorrectly from Middle High German and referred to playing cards on a barrel head (from kopf, meaning head, and Schaff, meaning a barrel).
In the United States, sheepshead is most commonly played in Wisconsin as well as the German counties in Southern Indiana, which has large German-American populations, and on the internet. Numerous tournaments are held throughout Wisconsin during the year, with the largest tournament being the "Nationals", held annually in the Wisconsin Dells during a weekend in September, October or November, and mini-tournaments held hourly throughout Germanfest in Milwaukee during the last weekend of each July.
In finance, a long position in a security, such as a stock or a bond, or equivalently to be long in a security, means the holder of the position owns the security and will profit if the price of the security goes up. Going long is the more conventional practice of investing and is contrasted with going short. An options investor goes long on the underlying instrument by buying call options or writing put options on it.
In contrast, a short position in a futures contract or similar derivative means that the holder of the position will profit if the price of the futures contract or derivative goes down.
Ay dog dis one here for all mutha fuckin niggaz dats locked up dog
all my niggaz who biddn in prison my nigga a lot of niggaz
forgot about cha but I aint forgot about cha
I got some niggaz in prison dat aint comin home
and dey main hoe done put a block on da phone
an all da niggaz dey was runnin
Wit done left em lone
mutha fuckas foget bout cha when ya bidin Long
What can a young nigga 19 do wit 40 yrs
Not a muh'fuckin thang but hope for an appeal
Dem crackas givin niggaz mo time den dey done lived
Where im from deez crackas hidin niggaz at da crib
I asked my homeboy how da fuck do you do 40
He told me you just do it u dont think about it
Dem crackas dont sell liq in prison u gotta think bout it
but like he told me time aint tha thang hurts tha most
The mu fuckas dat forget bout cha that u thought was close
If he had to do it all again he woudnt even take it 2 da doe
I told he aint got to tell me cuz I already know
He thought he had hiself some soldiers on da front row
Well like told him you aint breakin bread no mo
N deez streets dawg dats all a bitch care 4
Da real niggaz n deez streets are at an all time low
And deez hoes and homeboys aint ridin no moe
Nobody care about cha when u aint got shit to give
But when ya got it they love ya while ya out of here
They waz my niggaz when they waz out n they my niggaz now
Right now they need me the most so I got to help em out
I turn my back on em dat mean im da pussy nigga den
and me bein flaw is somthing I dont believe in
there's niggaz everyday dats gettin lost n da system
Tha fucked up part about dont nobody miss em
Own brother cant even tell me where the crackas shipped em
Told me that wit a straight face and kept dippin
Im looking at dog like man dis pussy nigga trippin
Ya own brotha ya cant tell me where tha crackas shipped em
*Love* dont love nobody da streetz fucked up
Dats why I pray everyday dat I don't get jammed up
To b honest witcha im scared to find out wats wat
Tha ones that let ya down the ones ya loved so much
Wat happin to niggaz acceptin a couple phone calls
and wat happin to niggaz sendin flicks to dey dawg
Ya dawg down bad right now gone break em off
Ya got to answer his calls for yall to even talk
i aint like yo can call him shitt wen ya wanna talk
Som niggaz doin time right now dat aint dey fault
in dis world it's a black law n its a white law
A street nigga dawg we don't die of old age
A street nigga dawg we die 1 or three wayz
We get shot, die in prison , or we die of aids
I kno its already written how imma leave here one day
But all da niggaz locked up I pray 4 ya every day
Ay dawg itz a lot of good mu fuckin niggaz locked up dawg
Its a lot of niggaz dats locked up dat wen dey wuz out of here
My nigga dey took care of a lot of u mu fuckas man
Made sure a lot of yall waz good dawg its a lot of niggaz doin tyme
Becuz of some of da mu fuckas out here dawg
N now wen a nigga get locked up man
Yall cant make sure dawg got cantine money
Yall cant make sure yall send dawg flicks man
Yall cant cept dawg fone calls man
Ya put a block on da phone cuz ya fuckin anotha nigga man
Dawg keep it real wit ya self homie
If dawg looked out 4 ya n took care of u my nigga
For 2 3 years while u waz out of here dawg