Beyond is the sixth full-length studio album of Finnish melodic death metal band Omnium Gatherum and their second record released on Lifeforce Records. The album was released digitally worldwide on February 22, 2013, and physical CD was released in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and Australia on February 22, in the rest of Europe on February 25, and in North America on March 5. the album was produced by Teemu Aalto and Sami Koivisto and recorded at Teemu Aalto Music Productions studio (except for drums, which was recorded at Nordic Audio Labs by Sami Koivisto). It was mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound Studio. The album's artwork was created by Olli Lappalainen.
Beyond is one of the most anticipated releases by the band since they made their breakthrough with their previous album New World Shadows. As stated by guitarist Markus Vanhala on the band's official website "The album follows the good known path of “New World Shadows” and “The Redshift” but adds a lot of new flavours and spices to the good ol' melting pot to lift the band to a new heights." Markus also stated that Beyond is their most melodic and versatile album so far but still holds the brutal side in terms of Jukka Pelkonen's vocals. The basic theme of the album is about the culmination point of one's existence. It is a coming home story where the mysteries of duality are melted into oneness but without losing one single point of individuality along the arrival.
The Animatrix (アニマトリックス, Animatorikkusu) is a 2003 American-Japanese best-sellingdirect-to-video anthology film based on The Matrix trilogy produced by The Wachowskis, who wrote and directed the trilogy. The film is a compilation of nine animated short films, including four written by the Wachowskis. It details the backstory of the Matrix universe, including the original war between man and machines which led to the creation of the Matrix.
The plot-summaries of the shorts are listed below in the order that they run in the DVD release, which is not the chronological order. Chronologically, the order would be:
Beyond is a three issue series from Virgin Comics. It was created by Deepak Chopra and written by Ron Marz with art by Edison George and is being adapted from a screenplay written by Chopra.
The solicit described the series as "Chopra's original story of an American businessman who is propelled across dimensions and into an adventure like no other. While traveling in India with his family, his wife disappears, he will stop at nothing - and go literally anywhere - to save her." The following issue will continue the journey of Michael (the protagonist) in his search for his wife Anna.
The series was planned to run 4 issues in its debut arc but only 3 issues were published.
Launched in late May 2008
Suri Krishnamma will direct the film adaptation of the supernatural thriller comic, the screenplay is currently in works from Deepak Chopra. It will produce by Gotham Chopra and Sharad Devarajan and as executive producers works John Garland and Michael Dufficy.
Mumps, also known as epidemic parotitis, is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus. Initial signs and symptoms often include fever, muscle pain, headache, and feeling tired. This is then usually followed by painful swelling of one or both parotid glands. Symptoms typically occur 16 to 18 days after exposure and resolve after 7 to 10 days. Symptoms in adults are often more severe than in children. About a third of people have mild or no symptoms. Complications may include infections of the covering of the brain (15%), pancreatitis (4%), permanent deafness, and painful testicular swelling which uncommonly results in infertility. Women may develop ovarian swelling but this does not increase the risk of infertility.
Mumps is highly contagious and spreads rapidly among people living in close quarters. The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person. Only humans get and spread the disease. People are infectious to each other from a few days before the start of symptoms to four days after. After an infection a person is typically immune for life. Reinfection is possible but tends to be mild. Diagnosis is usually suspected due to parotid swelling and can be confirmed by isolating the virus on a swab of the parotid duct. Testing for IgM antibodies in the blood is simple and may be useful; however, can be falsely negative in those who have been immunized.
MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) is a software application for the solution of large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations on distributed memory parallel computers. It was developed in European project PARASOL (1996–1999) by CERFACS, IRIT-ENSEEIHT and RAL. The software implements the multifrontal method, which is a version of Gaussian elimination for large sparse systems of equations, especially those arising from the finite element method. It is written in Fortran 90 with parallelism by MPI and it uses BLAS and ScaLAPACK kernels for dense matrix computations. Since 1999, MUMPS has been supported by CERFACS, IRIT-ENSEEIHT, and INRIA.
The importance of MUMPS lies in the fact that it is a supported public domain implementation of the multifrontal method.