Shelf life is the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption, or sale. In other words, it might refer to whether a commodity should no longer be on a pantry shelf (unfit for use), or just no longer on a supermarket shelf (unfit for sale, but not yet unfit for use). It applies to cosmetics, foods and beverages, medical devices, medicines, explosives, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, car tires, batteries, and many other perishable items. In some regions, an advisory best before, mandatory use by, or freshness date is required on packaged perishable foods.
Shelf life is the recommended maximum time for which products or fresh (harvested) produce can be stored, during which the defined quality of a specified proportion of the goods remains acceptable under expected (or specified) conditions of distribution, storage and display.
Most expiration dates are used as guidelines based on normal and expected handling and exposure to temperature. Use prior to the expiration date does not guarantee the safety of a food or drug, and a product is not necessarily dangerous or ineffective after the expiration date.
Best Before 1984 is a compilation of Crass' singles and other tracks, released in 1986, including lyrics and a booklet ("...In Which Crass Voluntarily 'Blow Their Own'") which details the history of the band in their own words. The album was named in reference to the notion that 1984 was the band's "'sell by date", the year that they had often publicly stated that they would split up. Indeed the band ceased gigging and recording in that year.
According to a blog on the Southern Records website, there are plans to release an expanded edition of Best Before 1984, which will include currently unavailable material (such as the "Merry Crassmas" and "Whodunnit?" singles) and rarities, in the same vein as the 'Crassical Collection' editions of the band's albums which are currently being released. The Southern Records forum has announced that the reissue of the album will most likely not be released until 2014, due to financial issues as a result of the money spent on releasing the 'Crassical Collection' CDs.
On the 6th of August 1945, Hiroshima in Japan, gained a certain
permanent place in history as the first city to be destroy by a nuclear bomb.
As a result of that attack, 250 000 people alone have died.
Three days later, on August the 9, Nagasaki suffered the same faith,
a counting for another 60 000 deaths.
We will never know how many people are now dying as a result of those
attacks. It is estimated that fifty percent of the deaths in the two bombing
resulted from burns. Anyone within half a mile from the blast stood little
chance of survival, and those that did almost certainly would have died
weeks later from radiation sickness. Long term radiation effects are equally
terrifying: leukemia, genetic defects, retarded development,
malignment deceases, shorten life span, death.
Radioactive fallout is carried hundred of miles by the wind and is deposit into
the soil by rain and snowfall. The number of deaths and tragedies as a result
of nuclear bomb on the earth surface...
They're always there high in the skies...
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Pretty as a picture in the generals' eyes
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
They've done it once, they'll do it again
They'll shower us all in their deadly rain
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Fishing children fish in the Imperial Waters
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Sons and lovers, lovers and daughters
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Cherry Blossom hanging on the cherry blossom tree
Flash, blinding flash, then there's nothing to see
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Dying they're still dying, one by one
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Darkness in the land of the rising sun
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Lesson learnt the lesson? No, cos no one really cares
It's so easy to be silent just to cover up your fears
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
So they die in the nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
And live with the nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Will you stand by and let it happen again?
Nightmare death in the deadly rain
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Live with the nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
And die in the nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Nightmare comes in deadly rain
Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, rain
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki nightmare
Manmade power, manmade pain, Nagasaki nightmare
Deadly rain, deadly rain, Nagasaki nightmare
They'll do it again, shower us in rain
Deadly, deadly, deadly rain
Nagasaki nightmare, Nagasaki Nightmare