Bernard Rollin
Bernard E. Rollin (born 1943) is an American philosopher, currently professor of philosophy, animal sciences, and biomedical sciences at Colorado State University.
Rollin specializes in animal rights and the philosophy of consciousness, and is the author of a number of influential books in the field, including Animal Rights and Human Morality (1981), The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain and Scientific Change (1988), Farm Animal Welfare (1995), and Science and Ethics (2006). He is also co-editor of the two-volume, The Experimental Animal in Biomedical Research (1989 and 1995). He published his memoir in 2011, Putting the Horse Before Descartes.
He was prominently featured in the film about speciesism, The Superior Human?, in which he analyzes the ideology of René Descartes to help show that animals can think and feel.
Rollin is a member of the Scientific Expert Advisory Council (SEAC), for Australian animal welfare group Voiceless, the animal protection institute. SEAC is a group of academics from around the world who assist Voiceless in the production of quality research and publications which expose legalised animal cruelty and inform public debate.