Professional wrestling has accrued a considerable nomenclature through its long existence. Much of it stems from the industry's origins in the days of carnivals and circuses, and the slang itself is often referred to as "carny talk." In the past, wrestlers used such terms in the presence of fans so as not to reveal the worked nature of the business. In recent years, widespread discussion on the Internet has popularized these terms. Many of the terms refer to the financial aspects of pro wrestling in addition to performance-related terms.
"Turn" is the fourth single from Indie band Travis' second studio album, The Man Who. The single peaked at the number eight position on the UK Singles Chart.
Two music videos were shot for the single. The first video, included on the group's Singles DVD, features Healy engaged in a push-up contest. This video was filmed in Hackney on a dis-used council estate. The estate has since been demolished. The second featured a staged performance by the band.
The British release of the single was accompanied by a cover of Britney Spears's hit single "...Baby One More Time". Spears herself heard the Travis version while shopping, and commented by saying it was 'a total shock' and was 'a very good cover'.
Turn is an album by American jazz saxophonist Roscoe Mitchell which was recorded in 2005 and released on the French RogueArt label. He leads a new quintet with longtime rhythm section Jaribu Shahid on bass and Tani Tabbal on drums, pianist Craig Taborn and new Art Ensemble of Chicago trumpeter Corey Wilkes.
In his review for AllMusic, Alain Drouot states "This is a remarkably focused and concise date featuring Mitchell's brand of atonal jazz mixed with his interests in other musical forms."
The All About Jazz review by Kurt Gottschalk says "As a whole, the group is comfortable together, ready to let the compositions stand and while Shahid and Tabal haven't been the most exciting parts of Mitchell's groups, here they sound better than ever."
Another Bert and Ernie Singalong
thanks to Charles Evans ([email protected])
[The arrowed lines are from memory, because I did not hit REC on the VCR
fast enough . . .]
> [E. walks in with pot and plops it on B.'s head]
> E: Here Bert, try this on!
> B: Hey, hey, Ernie, what are you doing? Get that pot off my head! Why?
> E: Well haa, ya see Bert, a little while ago, I dropped and broke the
> cookie jar.
> B: Oh, Ernie, you didn't!
> E: Mmm hmmm.
B: Oh well, all right, so you broke the cookie jar, but what's it gotta do
with that pot there, huh?
E: Well you see, I had to put the cookies somewhere...
B: Yeah?
E: Bert, um... just a second. I... I... I'll show you, Bert.
B: [looks at camera] I don't understand.
E: [brings in sugar bowl with cookies] See, I broke the cookie jar and so I
had to put the cookies in the sugar bowl, see? [takes a taste of one]
B: Well... yeah, Ernie, but but if you put the cookies in the sugar bowl,
then where'd ya put the sugar?
E: Well, I'll show you, Bert! [famous Ernie hmm] Hmm hmm hmm [leaves with
bowl and Bert looks at camera]
B: Ya show me. [does the famous head tilt]
E: Ok, well you see, I put the sugar in the flower pot here.
B: In the flower pot?! Oh great... just great. Well _where'd_ you put the
flower that was growing there, huh?
E: Oh I'll show you, Bert! [takes away the pot]
B: Ya gonna show me again... I don't get this.
E: [brings in milk bottle and flower] Ya see, I had to plant this flower here
into this milk bottle, see... nicely planted, I watered it and everthing.
B: [Looking very stunned] [E. looks straight into camera all proud, shaking
his head about his nose] ERNIE!!!! [Shaking head]
E: [Calmly] Hmm?
B: Well now WHERE is the milk?!
E: Oh, I'll show you, Bert.
B: [E. leaves] Ya gonna show me where the milk is too. Oh Ernie, I ...
[looks at E. returning with a root beer bottle.. stunned]
E: See I put the milk into the, uh, soda bottle
B: [Gets close to E. in quiet voice gradually getting louder] Ernie... I'm
trying to be patient, but __where__ is the soda??
E: Oh just a second, Bert, I'll show you... [calmly as usual, Bert getting
more stunned and irritated gives out his famous]
B: Aaaaaaahhhh!
E: [Brings in the soda-filled fishbowl] It wasn't easy, but I put the soda in
the [straining] mmm fishbowl
B: In the fishbowl?! Ernie, this is CRAZY!! Now where are the fish?!?
E: Oh... well, I'll show you, Bert. [even calmer than before]
B: [stares into camera as E. leaves for a few seconds and ...] Ooohhhh,
Ernie, what are you doing now? [Mouth wider than ever in shock]
E: Oh, I gotta carry it out here, Bert... I put the fish in... to... the
cowboy hat, ya see.
B: [looks down into hat as fish squirts water in B.'s face] Oh, no... Eeeyah!
[wipes faces stands there with mouth firmly closed very angry]
E: [points calmly at fish in hat] Take it easy there, fella.
B: [angrily] Ernie, Ernie, that is MY cowboy hat...
E: Yeah, so? [VERY calmly]
B: But ya, you but the fish in it, Now what am I gonna do when I wanna play
E: Oh, umm, well [reaches for pot and puts it on B.'s head] Ride em cowboy,
Bert! [pats Bert on back] [E.'s patented laugh] Keheeheeheehee
[End music begins with Bert standing there as usual, and Ernie leaving.
There was one neat trick done in it, at the end when Ernie put the pot
on Bert's head (probably at the beginning.. which I didn't see). You
know how Ernie's hands are real and the person's arm go in at his
elbows, which are always below the counter/stage, but to get the pot
on the head, the hand person, had to make a quick .. nicely-done move
behind Bert and up with the pot.. with Elbow behind Bert so Ernie's