Berbera (Somali: Barbara, Arabic: بربرة) is a city in the northwestern Berbera District of Somaliland, a self-declared republic internationally recognized as an autonomous region of Somalia. It is situated in the Woqooyi Galbeed province.
In antiquity, Berbera was part of a chain of commercial port cities along the Somali seaboard. It later served as the capital of the British Somaliland protectorate from 1884 to 1941, when it was replaced by Hargeisa. In 1960, the British Somaliland protectorate gained independence as the State of Somaliland and united as scheduled five days later with the Trust Territory of Somaliland (the former Italian Somaliland) to form the Somali Republic (Somalia). Located strategically on the oil route, the city has a deep seaport, which serves as the region's main commercial harbor.
Berbera preserves the ancient name of the coast along the southern shore of the Gulf of Aden. It is thought to be the city Malao described as 800 stadia beyond the city of the Avalites, described in the eighth chapter of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, which was written by a Greek merchant in the first century AD. In the Periplus it is described as
cada dia que pasa es mas dificil olvidad, y es muy cierto lo que dices que una cosa es querer y otra es amar.
por que an pasado mas de dos años y todo me parece igual, por que cada dia me tengo mas que enamorar.
como se puede olvidar a una persona que en mi corazon siempre esta, como se puede olvidad a una persona que en tu vida habita y no te quiere soltar.
por que no te puedo olvidar? si yo vivi contigo mil momentos de felicidad y no por eso te puedo dejar.
que puedo hacer para que te des cuenta de una vez que sin ti mi vida a sido tan cruel.
en mi corazon hay heridas que no sanan llenas de dolor y en cada palpitar dicen tu nombre sin control.
se repite coro
por que no te puedo olvidar?...