Berber may refer to:
The ethnonym Berber dates to the 19th century, derived from Barbary the term for the Maghreb coast used during the early modern period, itself from Greek barbaria "land of barbarians". The contemporary self-designation current mostly in Morocco is Imazighen (singular Amazigh). This term is common in Morocco, especially among Central Atlas, Rifian and Shilah speakers in 1980, but elsewhere within the Berber homeland sometimes a local, more particular term, such as Kabyle (Kabyle comes from Arabic: tribal confederation) or Chaoui, is more often used instead in Algeria.
The Berber tribal populations of antiquity are known as Numidians and later as Mauri in classical antiquity. These are umbrella terms that would include populations whose self-designation was a variety of tribal names, although Strabo asserts that Mauri was also used indigenously. The Libu of ancient Egyptian sources, eponymous of the name Libya may also have been an early Berber or Proto-Berber population.
Berber or the Amazigh languages or dialects (Berber name: Tamaziɣt, Tamazight, ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ [tæmæˈzɪɣt], [θæmæˈzɪɣθ]) are a family of similar and closely related languages and dialects indigenous to North Africa. They are spoken by large populations in Algeria and Morocco, and by smaller populations in Libya, Tunisia, northern Mali, western and northern Niger, northern Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and in the Siwa Oasis of Egypt. Large Berber-speaking migrant communities have been living in Western Europe since the 1950s. In 2001, Berber became a constitutional national language of Algeria, and in 2011 Berber became a constitutionally official language of Morocco, after years of persecution.
Berber constitutes a branch of the Afroasiatic language family, and has been attested since ancient times. The number of ethnic Berbers is much higher than the number of Berber speakers. The bulk of the populations of the Maghreb countries are considered to have Berber ancestors. In Algeria, for example, a majority of the population consists of Arabized Berbers.
cada dia que pasa es mas dificil olvidad, y es muy cierto lo que dices que una cosa es querer y otra es amar.
por que an pasado mas de dos años y todo me parece igual, por que cada dia me tengo mas que enamorar.
como se puede olvidar a una persona que en mi corazon siempre esta, como se puede olvidad a una persona que en tu vida habita y no te quiere soltar.
por que no te puedo olvidar? si yo vivi contigo mil momentos de felicidad y no por eso te puedo dejar.
que puedo hacer para que te des cuenta de una vez que sin ti mi vida a sido tan cruel.
en mi corazon hay heridas que no sanan llenas de dolor y en cada palpitar dicen tu nombre sin control.
se repite coro
por que no te puedo olvidar?...