Benjamin Vogt (poet)
Benjamin Vogt is a poet and essayist from Lincoln, Nebraska. He was born in Oklahoma in 1976, and has lived in Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, and England. Vogt has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize in two genres, received a grant from the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Fund, the Louise VanSickle Fellowship, the Wheeler Fellowship, a Stuff Dissertation Fellowship, and a Vermont Studio Center Artist's Grant. His prose and poetry have appeared in literary journals such as American Life in Poetry, Crab Orchard Review, Diagram, Ellipis, Fugue, Hayden's Ferry Review, ISLE, Puerto del Sol, Sou'wester, Subtropics, and Verse Daily.
Vogt is the author of a full-length poetry collection, Afterimage, forthcoming from Stephen F. Austin State University Press, as well as two poetry chapbooks: Indelible Marks (Pudding House, 2004) and Without Such Absence (Finishing Line Press, 2010).
Vogt has a BFA in creative writing / literature from the University of Evansville, an MFA in poetry from The Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. in poetry and creative nonfiction (double dissertation) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.