Bendahara (Jawi: بنداهارا) is an administrative position within classical Malay kingdoms comparable to a vizier before the intervention of European powers during the 19th century. A bendahara was appointed by a sultan and was a hereditary post. The bendahara and the sultan shared the same lineage.
Today, it still use in Brunei where it is known as Pengiran Bendahara.
Tasks of the Bendahara
The closest post which is comparable to the post of the vizier as the Malay kingdoms are Islamic kingdoms. As the bendahara is the head of the nobility, the status confers certain responsibility. The bendehara is the backbone of the Malay Sultanate. For the ancient kingdom of Malacca and Johor, there are many tasks and responsibilities but the primary ones are:
coronation and installation the Sultan
responsibility of the welfare of the Sultan.
adviser to his majesty on affairs of the state basing on Sharia and Adat (Prevailing norms and values)
responsibility of the Royal marriage, birth and funeral